
chapter 1

Kagami adjusted the crisp strap on her fencing helmet. "AGAIN" she shouted pulling up her sword ready to fight. Adrien pulled up his sword and they battled. Kagami won again. "AGAIN" she shouted but this time Adrien didn't move. "Adrien?? what's wrong" she stated concerned. "Have you ever felt stuck? Like no matter what you do nothing will ever change?" Adrien said sitting down on a bench nearby. "It's not the technique you should be changing Adrien... it's the target" Kagami said standing up and grabbing Adrien's hand to help him up. "Maybe you're right" he replied grabbing her hand and going back onto the court. "AGAIN" she shouted and this time he raised his sword and they battled.


Later on that day Kagami for some reason found herself pondering the advice she had given to Adrien earlier that day. "Maybe that could be true for me. Maybe Adrien isn't the one. But if he isn't then who is??" Kagami thought before snapping out of what seemed to be a trance when her mom called her for dinner. "Coming mom!" Kagami replied going downstairs to the kitchen.


Adrien too found himself pondering the advice he was given earlier that day. "Plagg do you think Kagami is right and that I do just have the wrong target?" he asked his kwamii confused. "Adrien. You know I know nothing about ladies but I know ladybug doesn't love you but I know that Marinette does so maybe you should stop going after someone who will probably never love you and go after the one who already does." Plagg replied somehow being smart for once. "You're right Plagg I'll talk to Marinette tomorrow!" Adrien said happily.

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