
An un'FORUTNATE' incident

The Sun rises with it's rays touching the world of Libra spreading light in all directions, marking a beginning of a new day.

- Kingdom Rashtrakuta -

Inside the royal palace

King Maurya enters the hall with a blank expression on his face wearing a black dress against his light brown skin tone. He is tall with broad shoulders and appears to be quite mature. He sits on his throne glancing around with a nod. A female servent soon brings him a drink. Having a glass of wine he gets lost in his own thought.

Many ministers , officials, generals entered the hall bowing to the king and taking their respective seats.

Many started to study the behaviour of the king from the corner of their eye. It was same as everytime, seeing him lost in his own thought. They knew that their ambitious king has lost his will. So they could only sympathize on it.

At last an old man enters the room wearing blue clothes with a robe attached to it having the symbol of two chains forming a sword. The guards bowed their heads respectfully when he went pass them.

The silence is soon broken by his voice as he pays his respects,

" Your majesty "

This made Maurya to snap back to reality. Seeing the old man he spoke,

" Minister Chanakya take your seat" then in a silent voice he asked "did you find anything this month ?" as if he knew the answer already.

Chanakya shook his head stroking his white beard. And then he went to his seat below the throne to the right and sat there. In a sad tone,

" I am collecting information on all types of abilities awakened so far. There are few young ones who have awakened a unique type. But not one them is similar to your ability. I strongly believe now the reason why they are called unique type is because, they are the only one in the world. Now the odds of finding the same one like you is pretty much zero now."

Maurya looked in the eyes of his minster when he heard the last part of the conversation. As a variant himself he knew that when everyone started to awaken abilities majority of them have a defensive type. And attack type were numbered in thousands. Whereas others like control, pshysic, space type were in hundreds. While variants were only in tens and twenties of number. And this numbers would never increase since death is inevitable, even if they possess magical abilities they could only extend their life by a small part. And the numbers once again would just be replaced by other new borns.

" Even if the odds are completely zero, I still want you to continue searching. I won't give up without trying till the end of my breath."

Maurya was reaching his late thirties in age. He has not many years of his prime left. Even after he failed to win the war he still couldn't suppress his desire to be the only ruler under the sky. The desire was always like scratching his soul to satisfy it. So he always thought of ways to fulfill his desire. Unfortunately he didn't find any success.

Then he realised he still had a chance to achieve it. He said to himself, 'What if I am a broken variant? If I can't do it , I'll just find someone else who'll do it for me'

So he ordered his minster to gather information on anyone who'll awaken a similar ability like him. His variant ability was a ability suitable for dominating wars.

' Only if I can find someone with a similar ability of mine, I could train it to it's highest potential'. But the search didn't turn out fruitful.

Thinking this, the chains appeared out of thin air and crushed his glass of wine soaking the chains with red colour appearing as of blood. Everyone in the room sensed a moment of fear in their hearts.

Even though he is a broken variant, a lion is still a lion. He still was the strongest in his kingdom.

They all thought what bad news did the minister tell him to make the king so angry.

At that time a small girl ran from the corridor towards the throne, " Papa papa ".

Seeing her he retracted his ability picking her up to his lap patting her head. " You're awake early today. "

Then the meeting happened on various issues of the kingdom related to taxes, military, farming, business.

He only gave a certain nods here and there for some important matters.

It happened for a hour or two. The girl on his lap had fallen asleep. Removing his gaze from her he looked at the hall. " Everyone can attend to your duties"

In few minutes everyone exited the hall. Chanakya who was just about to leave received a report in his communication device made of mana stones. After reading it he stood there for a minute thinking about something in his head.

He turned backwards and headed towards the front of the empty hall and seemed hesitated to speak.

Sensing this Maurya who was playing with his daughter who had woken up turned towards him

"Speak your mind"

"An unfortunate incident has happened near the forest border. But I think it can be ... fortunate for you majesty. It might turn out to the chance you have been looking for"

The moment these words came out from the minister's mouth a barrier was formed surrounding the space around them.

Chanakya was shocked for a moment, after reliazing the barrier was to stop the sound from reaching out, he looked at the throne where only princess was seated. Maurya had already reached him keeping the hands on his shoulder to continue.

"In the morning near the forest border a wolf monster had gone berserk. It had attacked a group of low ability users collecting medicinal herbs along their way near the edge of forest. The patrolling soldiers got there and identified the monster had come from the inner region. They instantly killed the monster with their strongest attacks. But the group attacked had only some survivors severely wounded. "

Before he could continue Maurya interpret him.

" Isn't it the breeding season of the monsters. Why would the monster come out from it's region ?"

Listening his question Chanakya suddenly " When I asked the same question to the soldier he said may be the Wolf's girlfriend had cheated" he said this in a serious tone as it was really the truth.

Maurya couldn't stop but laugh at the old man's nonchalant expression. This old man had always been with him since his childhood. He was never interested in other things other than serving under him. The soldier must have just said it as a joke. And he really believed it!

After realising the reason for the conversation he became more serious in his tone,

" Tell the soldiers to increase their patrolling around. But what does it have to do with my chance?"

Chanakya kept quiet for a while then spoke

"The survivors of the attack who got severally injured has a pregnant woman carrying a child. The healers when they went to heal her found out she was near to death by a hair's breadth. They can only keep her alive for a hour or two."

He looked towards Maurya to see if he was showing any reactions.

But he was still seriously looking at him.

" So the healers are confused whether to save the baby or not. Judging by the appearance of the woman it should be seven to eight month baby inside her womb. They are sure the baby will not survive outside the womb so they thought to leave it inside the womb."

The soldiers instantly reported all this to me after killing the monster. I have ordered them to keep the woman alive using all their aura to buy time."

Hearing till here Maurya easily guessed what he wanted him to do. This made him frown a bit.

" You want me to transfer my ability to the baby. But how will the baby stay alive if it is brought out?"

Chanakya nodded thinking his majesty is really intelligent. Only a few words and he could tell what he wanted to say.

" My majesty you can use the life crystal. Using it the odds will become fifty-fifty."

Hearing this Maurya instantly applied the idea in his mind and was surprised to see it really had a possibility.

"Take the fastest carriage and bring her over here"

Saying this he quickly removed the barrier and headed somewhere lost in his thought.

Chanakya too left the hall

Only a girl sleeping on the throne can be seen again.

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I started the story with a sunrise as a good sign

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