
The Handsomeans

Long ago, there was a planet in the milky way which is not that far from the solar system, that existed way before Jupiter. That planet was guarded by a big black hole that no satellite would dare go near it. It was believed that this is where aliens lives and... they might not be wrong about that...

"Today, a photographic evidence that indicates the arrival of a U.F.O. to Earth had been handed and it was clarified that this U.F.O. seems to be identical to the one spotted 14 years ago. The research team is still searching for more clues---"

The news that I was watching, had been interrupted by a familiar voice from behind.

"Heyyooo~ Darren!!! you were with some beautiful woman earlier ey~ why didn't you tell your buddy?!" The boy greeted

"Bruh oh how I wish I wasn't singl - wait hold on a sec... How did you get in my house this time?!" I exclaimed as I was caught up in surprise 'cause my best friend Liam, entered inside my house for the 11th time in spite of me having to go install one more lock at my door each time I find out that he went in side again.

"Oh? this time, I climbed up and entered through your window." He answered

Just how is he doing that? I'm surprised I still haven't report this man to the police... This guy... How did he peacefully passed by when I bought a new fierce dog to guard my house?!!

"Well anyways... That's strange... I thought I saw you earlier having a date with some girl at the mall. I was surprised cuz I thought you decided to dye your hair to brown and you started to wear shades. Though... I was not really sure cuz the dude was wearing a face mask." Liam said

Anyways... gotta do something about this dumbass! He's too close... ughhhhhh!!! Dummy!!! Dummy!!! Why am I thinking of such stuffs?!! Come on Darren! get yourself together! Focus!

"Me? how could you even think about that? You said he was wearing a face mask and some shades?" I asked

Liam stared directly at my eyes and have leaned his face close to mine... I immediately pushed him back and pinched his ears until at some point it turned red and he begged for me to stop it.

"Ouch... that hurts... Well, the guy removed his shades at one point and there was no mistaking it. He has the same eyes as you! A royal blue shade of eye color! And the face features was really similar to you!" Liam exclaimed

A person that looked a lot like me? Brown hair... Shades... Oh boy... please don't tell me that... Wait... it's too early to jump to any conclusion but... I only know one guy who looks like me and fits the descriptions...

And just as we were talking about it... the devils showed up knocking in front of the door... I opened it without thinking and just how WONDERFUL the odds are?!! As I opened the door, A woman came and jumped to hug me.

"Darling!~ I missed you so much!!!" The woman cried as she hugged me tightly.

"Bella, You should let go now. The poor child could hardly breath." A man said coming from her behind.

"Th-that's them!!!" Liam exclaimed as he stands shook behind me.

I knew it!... They came! But how did they find me?!! I believe that milky way galaxy should've been big enough for them to search for me for a few decades at most!...

"Me and your father was so worried of you, you know?!!" The woman cried.

Liam stared at us with a surprised and confused looks...

"Uhh... Liam, These are my parents... Bella and Chase... Mom, Dad... This is Liam, My best friend..." Stuttering as I try to introduce my parents and my best friend to each other.

This is rather awkward... The truth is... I've had feelings for my best friend for 3 years now right now... It feels so weird and nerve wrecking to introduce him to my parents.

Ugh... You might have noticed that my name is a name for a dude and you're not wrong. If you guys are homophobic then I am sorry for the start of my tale. But in all truth, I am actually a girl and a royal from another world. My parents are the crown prince and princess of that planet.

Well for now, I've pressed the "S.O.S" button that grandma gave me. I could tell the other details later but now, please let me tell the current situation that we are on at the moment.

Mom and Dad barged in my house with some groceries in hand and made me cooked some earthly recipes for them. Mom made Liam stay for dinner and is currently helping me cooking.

"Woah... They bought parts from different kinds of meat... This one looks like it's from a turkey... WhAt The?... Is this an ostrich egg??? They even bought one small pack of each of the vegetables and fruits there is..." Liam said

Poor dad... I bet mom made him carry most of these stuffs. Where the heck did they even buy this many kinds of stuffs??? Was the grocery store even selling ostrich eggs??? Ugh we won't be able to use all of these anyway... But, even if we use about half of all of these... I bet that the remaining stuffs would be able to fit in my fridge.

"Darren... I think... We could somehow use all of these ingredients!!!" Liam said with hope and determination burning at his eyes.

Liam is working as a chef for a four star hotel and this might be the first time I'll be able to watch him in action with many ingredients and trying to cook many as fast as he possibly could.

I was lost in thought that I almost forgot to ask something important!!!

"But Liam!... We couldn't possibly eat all of it anyway! Let's just save most of the ingredients at my refrigerator! It's mostly empty anyway..." I said and he suddenly looked at my way and glared at me.

"Oh? Let it be in your fridge. Rotting? WHY SHOULD I LET THAT HAPPEN? YOU HARDLY EVEN COOK?" He angrily said.

Well... it takes up a lot of time... I could just cook some instant noodle and mix it up with egg because I really suck at cooking... I just use the fridge to cool up some drinks... He hates wasting ingredients. Ugh...

"You don't have to worry. Let's just share some leftovers with your neighbors and I could take some back at home and you could store up some for you to eat in the next few days. You could just sit back and catch up with your parents for now. You missed them right?" Liam says at me with a smile. Not gonna lie, It made my heart race a bit...

"You could've just told me directly that you're scared and don't want me in the kitchen (=.=)"

"Oops... I was found out." He says as he laughs it off

Darn I almost fell for it... But I guess he meant half of it. The truth is that, Liam is an orphan so he might be feeling happy for me to be with my parents.

Mom and dad is checking my room at the moment so I went there. Mom was looking so excited as she explores my room. Dad was just standing there and watching her mess it up.

When I entered my room, Dad approached me and started to ask me a lot of questions...

"Where you living with that guy?" Dad asked with a stern face

Dad had always been protected towards me... I wanna escape this interrogation at once! Mom... I hurriedly looked at my mom with eyes asking for help.

"Aw come on Chase. She's not a little girl anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if she started living with a guy~" Mom said

Mom you're not helping...

"Well... we're gonna bring you back anyway. Father is dead. You are safe now." Dad said

Grandpa is dead... Right... Grandma sent me here 14 years ago to hide away from him because he wanted to kill me... Because I was cursed for being born as a girl in stead of a boy... But Grandpa is dead now and they want me to go back home... It would mean that I won't be able to meet Liam again...

"Dad... I don't wanna leave Earth..." I accidentally blurted my thoughts out

Just as Dad was going to grab my arms and scold me off, Liam came and called us for dinner. The tension inside the room was removed thanks to him...

Liam's cooking really does work like magic everytime. As soon as we sat down at the table, all of the things in our mind just vanished like a bubble.

"Though... I was really surprised. If you told me that you guys were twins, I would've definitely believed you sir Chase!" Liam said and made dad choke the wine he was drinking.

"BRAT. I don't want my name being uttered by your mouth-" Dad says as he was cut off by having mom pull his earings.

"Chase. Behave, okay?(^^) Now, Liam dear; Could you tell me about your first impression towards me?" Mom says

"Uh... Madame looked like she was Darain's younger sister." Liam answered

(From here on, will be pure silence for Liam's POV while in truth is that this family is using telepathy to talk with each other)

(Chase, there was no need to be mean to the poor boy you know?)- Bella

(I just said that I don't like him calling me by my name)- Chase

(Alright fine, Then let him call you by the last name)- Bella

(OH PLS NO)- Darren

(Alright that's fair enough)- Chase

(Dad! NO PLS NO)- Darren

~End of Telepathy~

"AHEM! So... I want you to calle me Joseph Joesta-" Dad says as I smacked him in the head

"Dear. It's either you get serious or I would snap" Mom said with a scary smile

I could feel the air arround us is getting heavy. I have never seen mom's expression like this for 15 years now. The first time I saw it was when Dad and I was fighting about who looks better...

"Uhh...Darren is Mesto... So uhm... Mr. Mesto?..." Liam says, stuttering

Mom and dad stared at me with faces full of confusion. I just hope that they won't utter that name in front of him...

"Huh? What are you talking about?... Our last name is not Mesto." Mom says

"Eh?... But that's weird... I'm sure Darren's last name is Mesto though?" Liam says

"Ah... I got it now. Well, Darren was driven out by Father so he was trying to hide his identity. Our real family name is Handsomean as in Handsome." Dad said proudly

Ugh... I know that I thought it was cool when I was a kid... But all I feel right now is cringe... Someone please just take me away...

As I was thinking about it, Liam smirked at me and at that moment; I knew that he finds this hillarious.

"Darren had to run away from all things related to Handsomeans and to throw away that name too because of his Grandfather's resentment towards him..." Mom explained and Liam felt sorry that he forgot his amusement.

"But now that Father's dead, Darren doesn't have to hide anymore and we're gonna be going back home tommorow. Darren will never return here anymore." Dad said

I stood up and argued with Dad as I tell him that I don't want to go back yet... We argued and argued until he snapped and finally slapped me in the face.

Liam stood up for me and let me hid behind his back.

"Sir... I might not be in the right place to say this... I do know that this is a matter for you family member only but... I do know one thing about Darren and that is, He had always been afraid when we talk about 'home'... If he doesn't want to go back then I will help him to reason out until you let him stay." Liam said

Dad is always calm and supportive of the things I wanted but, this is the first time he disagreed of a matter I wanted...

"Darren- no...Darain, you've been here long enough. You know that you don't belong here. Just how long do you want to fool this boy?" Dad said

"I see that you've been trying to become a man like how your grandfather wanted you to be with the help of an illusion but, You could never be a man in your whole life." Dad says

Mom just stood dare and let dad talk because she also wants me back but, she could never say those hurtful things towards me even if it is the truth.

"Darren... What is your Dad talking about?" Liam asks

Oh no... Liam might hate me if I tell him the truth... I lied to him all these times... He would never forgive me...

"I'm... a princess from the 50th million planet in the milky way, The Handsomean planet..." I said

"I knew it... I wasn't dreaming at that time at all..." Liam said.

"W-what do you mean?..." I asked

This wasn't the reaction I was expecting at all... I thought he would be either mad that I was lying to hin all this time or, that he woyld not take me seriously.

"14 years ago at the grass field of my orphanage, a light came from the sky and a girl descended from it. She looked like an angel that I fell in love at first sight. She had a long platinum blonde hair and royal blue eyes... 10 years had passed and I found you, who looked like her-" Liam narrates as he was cut off by mom.

"So you've turned gay for my daughyer without knowing that she was in fact, a girl?" Mom said and made Liam embarrassed.

As dad was about to interrupt us, An explosion happened in front of my door and had blown my door away.

"Sorry Darain-dear, I came right away when I recieved your S.O.S., I flew an extra 400 light years fast. Were you in trouble? Where's the bad guys?! Let Grandma teach them a lesson!" Grandma says as she barged in and saw me crying as I hide behind Liam's back and dad who seems to be angry...

Grandma Aram was filled with Rage and pulled Dad away with his ears and started to scold him.

Mom, Liam and I; sat down. Mom was treating my face that had been slapped by dad while she tries to explain dad's action towards us.

"Sorry Liam-dear, Chase is not usually this strict and easily angered. He just really love and adore Darain so much well, in ract all of us do. Chase was really happy even though he killed Father because he knew that with this, Darain could go back. And just when he was about to take back his daughter, he felt that you were stealing him away from us..." Mom explained

Dad sacrificed a lot just so that I could go back home. He even killed his own grandpa, his own dad...

"C-Can I ask? uh... Sir mentioned that Darren's grandpa resented her... Why is that?" Liam asked mom

Mom looked at me to see if I'm alright about mentioning it and I nod in response.

"Well... The Handsomean royal family only gave birth to Men ever since 7 billion years of its foundation. Darain was the first ever female to be born and father apparently found it as ominous and says she is cursed. That's why he wanted to kill her." Mother explained

(Bella's POV)

I still remember it as if it was just like yesterday. Back when I gave birth to Darain and found out that she was a girl, Chase and I were both scared... But at that moment, Chase was definitely happy when he held Darain withing his arms. We swore that we would protect her no matter what. Since then, Darain also had to live her life as a boy.

When Darain was found out, we made her ran away and hide. Hoping that she get to live as a Girl from the moment she got away from father's grasp.

But to think that she was trying that she took the words that father said to her heart... She wanted to prove herself by living as a boy even in here... Well, she would always talk about how she's going to be a king more handsome than Chase *chuckles*

(End of Bella's POV)

"Say boy, would you like to be my son-in-law?" Mom asked teasingly to Liam

This is making me embarrass and blush so hard...

Liam held my hand and looked directly to my eyes. He then smiled as he says this one phrase that completely filled me with happiness.

"If she'd gladly have me, I wouldn't mind to give her my whole" He proposed

Little did we know, Dad was already behind us.

"Don't get cocky boy, I wouldn't hand over my daughter that easily to you." He glared intensely.

Grandma somehow able to talk it out with dad and gave me 2 years to stay at Earth. We did the typical Alien-doing (memory alternation) that made everyone that knows me, Think that I was a girl all along. Dad and mom inheritted the throne and became the new king and queen. As per grandma's retirement, she stayed at the earth with me and spend her days like a teenager. She once loved Grandpa but had grown terrified of him. She's still trying to get over the fact that she let her son killed his own father and eventually let time heal her sadness and guilt as she spend her days with me.

Liam and I started dating and decided to get married before completely finishing up my remaining time on Earth. Close friends, co-workers and my family attended the weading. Father cried as he walked me down the aisle. it was quite a torture for him as we had to have another formal wedding when we went back to my home planet. There, Liam took my last name and we had a twin sons, Laren and Daril.

We would sometimes have vacation at Earth to check up on our old friends. Who knows, when you guys spot a U.F.O. it might be us, the Handsomean family~

Woah... So, This is inspired by a roleplay we've once done on Line play. And this is the longest One Shot I've ever created XD

DeVulCancreators' thoughts