
Prologue: The Tale of a Fool

My name is Kakine Sai.

From a very young age, I had a dream.

To become a great scientist.

I'm talking not about all those great scientists or inventors that has come before me.

Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Isaac Newton.

While I respected those individuals for their achievements, I wanted to surpass those great inventors.

I'm talking about something even greater. Something more grand.

I wanted to achieve something that would make me remembered even eons after my death.

I didn't know the cause but that dream always struck with me. I was sure every one had that dream when they were little. But unlike those children, my dream wasn't short lived.

It was as if that ambition was engulfed into the deepest abyss of my very being. No, it was more accurate to say someone had craved that ambition into my soul with a pen.

So I studied. I discarded everything I deemed useless and focused only on my ambition.

Family, Friends, Love and Pleasures of the body. They were not needed so I discarded them.

At school, I was unapproachable. Don't get it wrong. It wasn't like I wasn't smart or handsome to the point I couldn't attract the opposite sex.

It was the opposite much to my dismay. I was the smartest in my class. No, I was the smartest in the whole academy and I wasn't being arrogant about it.

It was simply the truth.

The tests and exams I aced was proof of that fact. Concerning my appearance, I was handsome to the point it could only be called ridiculous.

I couldn't remember the number of times I received love letters or got approached by beautiful girls from different levels.

It annoyed me really. How could I focus on my goals when I get this kind of distractions. I was not interested in the pleasures of the body or any relationships. I had a more grand goal I wished to achieve. In the end, I would reject their advances and say something like this.

"Sorry, I don't plan on getting into any relationships neither do I need someone to validate my existence. The concept of love is vague if you ask me. What you define as 'Love' is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hards but slowly fades away when the deed is done. I don't plan to fall under such animalistic desires. What do you think?"

Surely, It was understandably difficult for any middle school girl to like a boy who spoke such weird things and no boy would have to associate with someone that will act that way around girls.

Obviously, nothing could be done about my personality and I had a reason for living the kind of life I did. For high-school, I graduated from the prestigious constant science academy under scholarship. For college, I graduated and received the title of Bachelor of Science.

As this dark and friendless period of my life continued, my personality grew even worse, but it couldn't be helped. This was something I had already prepared my heart for.

At this point, I usually spent my time away from civilisation. Away from distractions. I hated crowds. My mind worked better I was alone in my garage.

There was nothing worth building since I was already in any advanced era where smartphones, fibre optics and cars already existed. However, it didn't mean I could not improve them.

As the years passed by, I made a lot of major modifications and inventions. If listed all my inventions here, I would end up using up all the trees in the world and still not have enough for this story. As such, I'll just say I made alot of advanced technologies and equipment 40 years ahead of my time.

It took me ten years. I was 37 at the time. Thanks to my contributions to society, my home country was more advanced in terms of science and technology compared to Japan, USA and China.

Reality hit me hard when I came to a cold realisation.

Despite all my achievements, could I really be called the greatest scientist? Absolutely not!

Even the principles of science was discovered by someone before me and were used to this day. Could anything I did match that? Of course not.

Then I decided to create something outside this world. An infinite energy generator. It was something many before me has tried to achieve but failed in the end. If I built that won't I be considered the greatest scientist?

That was my answer. But It didn't go the way I planned. Thanks to a little mistake, the generator exploded. Of course, I died since I was in the center of the explosion.

But you must be wondering. If I was truly died then I would I know? It was because I was reincarnated into another world. In other words, the multiworld theory was correct all along. Meaning there are likely am uncountable number of universes that are yet to be explored.

I'm the only one who has discovered this truth. Although, I did not like I had to die in order to reach this truth.

At the moment, I am a baby of several months. It was only recently that I came to be fully aware, and my sense of time was still blurry.

Another interesting piece of information I achieved was that I could understand this world's language. It would have been more fun if I learnt the language through researching.

Now concerning my parents in this world. My mother was a beautiful woman with violet-black and violet eyes of captivating shade. According to my analysis of her personality, she was a kind woman but is rather short tempered as such she is prone to anger from what I have observed. Even so, she always permeated this motherly feel when I was around her. Was this why babies are always attracted to their mothers?

I wish I could write this down somewhere. For my father, he had unkempt brown hair and a lean figure. The man always had an idiotic grin on his face but was rather reliable when it came to important. He was quite good-looking too, I can see why my mother fell in with love with him.

Lastly, it turns out I have an elder sister. Apparently, she was basically the short version of my mother, probably around two and above. She usually comes to play with him. When I mean by play, she just pokes my cheeks and giggle. How annoying!

Needless to say, my life as a baby was beyond terrible. I had little to no motor control over my limbs except being able to wave them around, and even that got tiring quickly. I also realised that I didn't have that much control over my fingers.

I came to an amazing discovery. When you place your finger on a baby's palm and they grab it, they don't grab the finger because they like you. It was more of a reflex than any thing. Oops, I gonna poop.

It was pure torture. If my life continued like this, I'm gonna run insane. Wait, that's not right since I'm already insane. Wait, that's also wrong. An insane person cannot know they are insane. In other words, I was still sane to an extent.

Taking account of my house inside appearance and lack of electrical items like a TV or phones, I concluded that this world was less developed than my former world.

However, that wasn't what made me come to that conclusion. It happened when my idiotic father was playing with me and used a bit of his abnormal strength while lifting me in the air. My head got struck in the ceiling as a result. Luckily for me, the house was made of wooden instead of brick or else I was sure I would have died.

Even so, It was still strange that I survived since realistically, I would have died from the impact and shock either way. Was a mysterious power at play here?

After giving my father a good scolding (beating), my mother healed my wounds. I'm not talking a kiss on the forehead and some band-aid. When she raised her hand, a circle with strange runes appeared and reflected a soft green glow.


The source of all mysterious that can exist. With this discovery, the gate of opportunities has expanded.

The possibilities was endless.

Could one fly without a plane? Could one move things with their minds without holding them? Could one ignite a fire without tools? Or perhaps could one summon exotic higher dimensional beings or even travel through the fourth dimension with that mysterious power?

Pure goosebumps crossed my very soul. It was akin to the feeling of someone pouring a bracket of cold water over my body. I wanted to start researching and proceeding with my inventions but this infant body of mine was a huge hindrance. If I had the capabilities to curse, I would have cursed at least a thousands times already.

On the bright side of things, I was able to finally see the outside world for the first time. My mother, Rachel, carried me on her back while holding my sister's hand. My father, Paul, was no good and my mother was still holding a grudge because of that 'Incident'.

We went to a town of sorts, but it was more of a glorified outpost with no roads or buildings. We walked on a main dirt trail where there were tents on both sides with various merchants selling all sorts of things. It was mostly necessities one could use in their daily life to strange things like axes, swords and spears.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Was it alright to sell weapons in the open like that? It was like saying one could set up a gunshop infront of someone's house and selling all kinds of weaponry. The strangest part was that people were walking around, carrying around those weaponry as if it was a luxury designer bag.

There was even this girl that looked around 15 carrying a gigantic war axe that was larger than herself! Were people built like trolls or orcs in this world? It was something worth researching. I made a mental note to use as reference for future experiments. Anyways, we shopped for today's groceries exchanging pleasantries with various people passing by or working in the tents. At some point, I reached the limit of this body and fell asleep. Curses!

The next day, I was using my mother's lap as a seat while being caressed by her bosom. It was more like melons if you asked me. My sister was sitting next to us and flailing her legs here and there while humming. The main star of the show was my father who has been holding a longsword and closing his eyes for a minute now.

I narrowed my eyes and stared at him intensely. What was he doing? Was he mediating? And what purpose? Does it has anything to do with magic?

My curiosity getting the best of me, I leaned closer and closer as if I expecting a phenomena like an earthquake or a tornado. After what seemed like an eternity, he swung the sword down and the large boulder he was facing was split into two with a roar.

W-What was that? I didn't see anything! What happened!

I angrily flailed my arms flailed around, almost falling from my human seat but my father interpreted that into a "WOW". He approached with a huge grin as if he had won something and said

"Daddy was cool, right?"

I almost cringed from those words. I wasn't interested in him in the least, I was interested in the strange phenomena that had happened before me.

His movement carried enough speed to break the sound barrier yet it was flexible enough not to leave an opening.

What exactly did he do? Did he use magic to reinforce his body? Was mediation a requirement to use magic in this world?

Several questions along those lines emerged and I had no way of answering them. I would have been better if he just explained what he did but my father was just using that to boast which got me annoyed.

According to the knowledge I have gathered since I gained awareness, there was an hierarchy in this world: one's power and wealth decided their status in the society. It wasn't that different from the modern world actually, except for the obvious lack of technology.

But that problem can easily be fixed. By me of course. Although it will take some time, I should be able to build everything from scratch which was more exciting to me. Of course, I don't plan to reveal my inventions out to the world neither do I plan to develop this world. After all, people were a slaves to their desires. Those desires could lead to wars and unnecessary deaths.

I'm just going to do my own thing. Enough about that though.

The currency of this world was straightforward as it could get.


Just like in my old world before paper money was generally accepted by the public, copper was the lowest form of currency, then silver, followed by gold. From my observations from my mother dealing with merchants and salesmen, it was basically like this;

100 Copper = 1 Silver

100 Silver = 1 Gold.

My daily life was akin to training. Moving the limbs in order to gain control over the muscles and motor functions. The sooner I gain control over my motor functions, the sooner I can proceed with my plans.

It was only a matter of time. Oops, I wet my diaper. It's time to summon Mother!

Next chapter