88 An Even Match

As soon as Kreig started descending downstairs, Trish and Gladius finally got the chance to sit down and gather their strength. 

"Whew! It sure is nice to be back here on the surface!" Gladius said as he lay down on the ground. The skies above Thalmuth ruins are always cloudy, so no rays of the sun could be seen on the ground. Still, Gladius looked as if he hasn't seen the skies for too long.

"Don't lie down there just like that. At least put some clothes on!" Trish snarked at him, telling him to at least get dressed if he wanted to enjoy his time. 

"Nah! This is how warriors are supposed to be!" Gladius immediately declined her comment. Even if he did agree with her, he doesn't have any spare shirt or armor to use, so just decided to go without one, at least for now. 


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