
A Certain Pokemon Shop(Re-written)

What would you do if you ever woke up in a familiar yet unfamiliar world, without any of your past life memories except for the anime,Manga,Novels,Movies,And Games you have watched, read, or played before? Follow Zeke! In his adventure in a not so normal earth, that he woke up into! Oh! and he has a system too! Warning! Letting u guys know that i took inspiration on some of the fan-fic i have read before. so i apologize since i made something similar to some of their names,plots and such. [The Image the cover used isn't owned by me] [Ctto for the one who made the cover]

LazyWriterZ · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 11:A Mafia Princess and Her Pokemon

Word Count:1345


Chitoge POV:

Nervous? Yes Very much so, specially since I would be getting my very own magical pet. I wonder what it would be? Something Cute I hope, but a strong one is welcome too since that would probably persuade my father to stop sending bodyguards if I can protect myself well enough, with my Pokemon that is.

Now let's do this!I tapped on the ⟨Draw⟩ Icon on the screen and in response the screen went black with only a shaking PokeBall In the middle...1...2...3 after the third shake of the PokeBall, A star was shown on the PokeBall and then The Ball Became still again.

"Huh?? Is that it?"I Voiced in which the owner replied "You need to tap the PokeBall again to continue"

So tap I did, anticipation taking over me as I Tapped the ball and a blinding light greeted me upon the PokeBall's Opening,

then a second later the light subsided and only a small monkey-like Pokémon with an orange muzzle, a yellow face "mask" around its eyes, and light green fur, is seen in it..

The Screen then changed again and the background turned from Black to Red and White, like a PokeBall's Color.




You Rolled a 4★ "Grookey" the chimp Pokemon!

Cost:'500k' W.D

⟨⟨Continue With Purchase?⟩⟩

[Yes] [No]



What is up with the price?! Am I buying a magical pet or somethi-Oh..

I was about to press [Yes] but then I remembered that I didn't have any of my Credit Cards on me.

I got anxious a little which didn't go unnoticed by the shop keeper.

"What seems to be the problem miss?"He asked.

"Ahh...Well you see I didn't Cary enough money for this and I also forgot to bring my Credit Card..."I replied, since I totally did not expect that I would be buying a pet much less a magical one right now, I only have enough money to buy pastries.

"Mhm, I understand but you don't need to worry because you only need to Confirm your purchase and the money needed will be automatically deducted from where you put your money"The shop keeper clarified.

"Okay then!"I proceeded by tapping the [Yes] Button and Got greeted by that blinding light again which is brighter than the last time, so I Closed my eyes.


I heard a bell sound so I opened my eyes and in the Platform Under the Screen, a Red and White ball could be seen just like what I saw on the screen.

I took the ball with my right hand and Looked at the Shop keeper..


Zeke POV:

*twitch* My face Couldn't help but twitch a bit, seeing another person getting a Pokemon above 2 stars in their first try.The Greavard that Andre got i can understand, since it's a one time thing Bonus from the system for the first customer but this It's even more absurd, since Chitoge got one of the Galar Starter Pokemon with 4★ Potential..

Thankfully the prices of the Rolled pokemon depends on its rarity,Species and talent, or else i would have made a loss

Hmm? Why is Chitoge hesitating? is the price too expensive for her? Nah..She's literally a Mafia Princess. There's only one way to find out!

I got near her and asked her what seems to be the problem and it turns out it's because she didn't bring enough money or even her Credit Card..

sweat started to appear in my back, Because I don't know if the system will be able to get the payment without her credit card in her person.

Andre Has his credit card in him a few days ago when he paid so I don't know how the system will get Chitoge's payment..

Right after I had those thoughts the system answered



The system can get the payment without problem even if a person hides all their Assets in another planet the system will still be able to deduct the money for their payment.

There is also an alternate method to pay in the future which is by Using the system points which is only unlocked after the Store Upgrade.

If you pay using System Points, You can get to keep all the money that the customer pays.


Ah..I understand, although the topic of System points is a bit intriguing, we still have a customer to entertain so we'll be back with that topic later.

After getting the answer from the system I told Chitoge that she doesn't have to worry and that even we could still get the payment even without her Credit Card here..

Which worked and now here we are; In front of Chitoge the Chimp Pokemon Grookey who is carrying it's stick is looking at her with affection before jumping at her and hugging her.

"Awwww~ You're so sweet!"Chitoge Chimed as she hugged the little Grookey. Seeing both of them full os smile made me happy as well.

I couldn't help but try and reach out and pat Grookey's head but what he did really shocked me.

Before my hand neared his head Grookey suddenly stopped smiling and used [Branch Poke] on me, although weak and didn't damage me because it's still a Baby it still stung my hand a little, so I yanked my hand back abruptly and exclaimed which surprised Chitoge.

Grookey noticed it and before she could turn her head Grookey's Expression transformed fast as lightning turning it from having a ticked off smile to a Genuine smile with Even Sparkle effects. Holy heck where did those Eve come From and oh boi this Grookey is Two faced.

Chitoge Asked what's wrong and I was about to say what Grookey did but he looked at me with that empty void like eyes that somehow replaced his previous sparkly once...

'Okay this Monkey is a Yandere'I thought, although I know this Grookey Can't hurt me now or ever because of the systems protection which Makes Pokemon Move have no effect on me.

But still, I know whatever five star pokemon will be really Dangerous once it grows up and evolve. and although I'm confident Ditto would be stronger than it ever will but hey, It's good to befriend Others than making an enemy of them.

So I decided to do this Grookey a favor.

"Uhh yeah, Miss..."Chitoge"She replied "Okay Miss Chitoge, i know this sounds a bit Farfetch'ed (Heh) but, I have the ability to know what are the personality of Pokemon's that I sell..And Grookey here is a super Loving one, but it gets a bit jealous easily so make sure to give. it lots of love Daily or it would be upset and I don't want to see pokemon upset... Especially this little one...In more Reasons than one" The last one only I could hear.

Though Grookey glared at me for a bit when I mentioned him being easily jealous it still gave me an approving nod at the end.

"I see~ Well Even if you didn't say anything, I would still give this little one lots of loves everyday" Chitoge said while rubbing her face with Grookey's.

I then explained to Chitoge what. she needs to to take care of Grookey, After that I also Advertised my Poke-Feed and the Forest Bead which she ordered a lot by the way.

She then finished the paperwork for owning a Pokemon, Then went out after expressing her gratitude before saying goodbye..

At that time, The legend of the Beehive Gang Princess and her Pokemon Bodyguard Started.



Meanwhile Zeke is once again pulling an all-nighter Making Chitoge's Order..

"Oh Boi this is really tiring...Now I really need to Look for someone to help me, I need someone trustworthy though" Zeke Complained while Groaning.


Hello! Lazy_Writer here!

The chapter got delayed since I didn't have Internet this past few days...

but I can finally finish it now!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well..

Powerstones And Comment is always Welcomed!