

From one jail to another I go

Disguised as just a wee lil house

Endless doors and countless mirrors

I can't find my room

There's no one at home

Clickclack go my idle fingers

The table stares, then grins, then chuckles

I see me, of course, faceless

Featureless, emotionless

My stomach twists in fear; nervous

Scared, sweaty, clammy

I scrape my chair back; all creaky

Tip, tap, go my feet down the hall

Endless rooms and countless mirrors

Turn around; I don't see anything

No way out, stuck alone here

Breath in, out, inout, inoutinoutinout

Endless whites and countless shadows

Movement at the back; turn around

Hoodie, faceless, featureless, emotionless

Mocking, jeering, leering, cackling

Can't run, can't hide, can't fight

I blink; the figure's gone

I turn around; the figure's back

My heart goes BOOMBOOMBOOM

My legs slip out from under me

Scribblescrabble go my fingers

The figure's in front now

My mouth opens in a silent choking gasp

My eyes gape in horror

My vision blinks out


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