

Mindfulness thrives around us like a living, breathing human.

It makes us all too aware of sad truths and harsh realities,

just like how we realise a friend is lost, a limb is gone,

and we have no one to lean on.

With each breath, mindfulness smacks us with the realization

that one day, everything we once knew can

and might disappear, never to be seen again,

just like how we remind ourselves that the moment

we stop breathing, Death could knock on our door.

This is how fragile we are--death could come with each breath.

Mindfulness serves as our Garden of Eden.

When we pause to think (which we never do) we then realise:

everything is worth appreciating;

because mindfulness sharpens our senses, and points out to us

the good things in life (which we never take notice).

Our dim, dark world that is as boring as a prison cell,

thus receives gifts of light and flowers from this lovely garden,

also called--mindfulness.

The thing is, mindfulness takes time to come to you.

Since we're always rushing, don't bother waiting.

Since we can't make the time, mindfulness never comes.

But guess what? I can tell you when mindfulness shall surely come.

Want to know? Come closer, I'll tell you.

When you lie on your deathbed,

your life fading with each breath taken,

all your worries fall away, fade to nothing;

time means nothing anymore;

relationships and burdens all forgotten.

All that is left, is once-forgotten Mindfulness,

now appreciated for escorting us to certain demise

and whispering sweet silence into our ears as

our bodies stop working and rot away.

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