

In the deepest vestibules of my brain

I have entered heaven through mind power alone

Gone is the sweltering heat that jumbles the grey matter

No strong winds that blows your cap or hat of your head

Just a light zephyr trailing beside your ears

A heady woody smell seeps into my lungs; my muscles slacken

I lean back against what I think is a tree; tall, sturdy and leafy

The sun isn't glaring but it's not too dim either

I hope that the day lasts forever but I don't feel right

My stomach seems to be knotting up and my head feels like a taiko drum

Paraiso seems to be blinking in and out

Isn't it real? Why does it keep flickering in and out?

Is the sky not blue? I see red and green

I need the elixir to enter, stay in heaven

The knot travels up my chest and stays there

Darkness seems to be creeping in from the sides, from everywhere

Red and green mixes in and

I can't tell where the red begins and where the green ends

The ground is where the sky is and the sky ends where the ground starts

The trees are standing on their leaves but I feel that I'm standing on my arm

The knot moves up again into my throat and I can't breathe,

I can't swallow, I can't speak

I feel bile inching up my throat and I force it back down

Paraiso isn't Paraiso anymore, it's Infierno

I can't get out because I drowning in bile

There's no way to find the surface and I just drown

My ears seem to be listening to the void

A void that you can go in and not out

Stuck at the bottom with no idea if anyone else is here

Stuck in the corner with no strength to climb back out~

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