
A Brother's Sacrifice

Kaburagi Tenma. That is the name of the main protagonist of this story. Or should I say, the main villain? In this story, everyone will perceive him as being manipulative, fearful and a scum. They are not wrong. People close to him see him as someone who takes advantage of others' helplessness, someone who has a stone heart, someone who is unfair. The ones who are really close to him find him interesting, funny and sometimes reliable. But no one actually really knows his true self. Is he a coward? A kind person like those typical shounen protagonists? A lonely person? An evil manipulator? We don't know. Before, he was not like that. He was just an ordinary kid. But what changed this 16-year-old this much? Did something absurd happened? We also don't know the motivation that drives him to be feared and hated by those around him. Why is he doing this The bitter truth is much darker than that. But..... The one thing that we understand as we progress the story is that he is doing it not because he wants to, but because of someone else. Someone else special..... Follow the story of this despised and feared delinquent, to find out his true motives, how did he become like this, and finally, who is that someone that he is doing it for..... PS: This is the first time that I'm writing a story. As you can see by the protagonist's name, it is set in Japan because I'm a big fan of anime in Japan. Also, I didn't put honorifics like '-san' or '-Kun' because I don't really know how it works. After Chapter 10 or so, my writing becomes better so bear with the shitty writing skills. I improve gradually And finally, I am grateful that you readers took your time to read my story. It's my first story so bear with it if there are too many grammar mistakes or if the story is kind of boring. Hope you all have a good time and I also hope that some readers might like the story I just wrote. Thank you.

Lelouch10Niichan · Realistic
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

Chapter 21: A Precious Gift

Me, Yasuo and Funabashi were walking down the street. We were heading towards a new restaurant that just opened up this month. I suggested that we should go there.

Funabashi was doubting my intentions but I forced Yasuo to bring her along. Having no choice, she joined.

I was walking beside Yasuo. I whispered in his ears.

"Can you tell me your full name."

"I-It's Eguchi Yasuo."

I moved my sight towards Funabashi.

"And her?"

"She's Funabashi Masaki."

"I already know that. I want details about her background."

"Well...You may be surprised cause, she's a delinquent gang leader at Chiba High School."

A female gang leader? What kind of development is this? I was already expecting that she knew how to fight but, she was far beyond my expectations.

"How the hell did you meet her?"

"It was...just a coincidence."

"...I see."

Their love story will surely be hectic in the future.

"What are you guys talking about? Let me in on the fun."

Funabashi barged into our little conversation.

"We were talking about how you two met for the first time and how did you start loving each other."

"Shall we discuss this also in the restaurant?"

"Sure, I really want to hear it."

We chatted some small things about their encounter. While talking about something fun, I had already become a good friend with Funabashi.


"Ah, we've arrived."

In front of us was a newly-opened restaurant.

"Hey Kaburagi, is it really okay for us to enter in this kind of place?"

"What's the problem Funabashi?"

"Um, this place kind of feels like it's for rich people. And we can't afford their food prices."

"If it is about only that then don't worry. This place doesn't have highly expensive food. And you don't have to mind their prices."

I grabbed both of them by the shoulder from behind and pushed them a little to enter the restaurant.

As we opened the door, the cold air from inside came to surround us which made us shiver a little. It was hot outside but once inside, it feels like it's winter.

The staff has done a really good work which took the customers into consideration.

Then I chose a table of three near the window, further down the restaurant. Yasuo and Funabashi sat down nervously. I also was nervous but regained my composure so that those two can feel comfortable a little.

I took off Aki's hoodie and placed it at the back of the chair. It was chilly inside so there was no need for that hoodie.

"Don't hesitate to pick any food that you like on the menu."

The two of them picked up the menu as ordered and decided on their food. The waitress came to our table.

"What would you all like to eat?"

"I would like some 'Miso soup'," I said.

"I-I would like the 'Tempura'." Stuttered Funabashi.

"I would also like some 'Tempura'." Followed Yasuo.

I chose something light because I already ate something at the café. The waitress took down all our orders in her notebook and left while saying,

"Please wait for a minute and you'll get your desired food."

We now looked at each other. Funabashi started up a conversation.

"The waiter and waitress here are very refined and disciplined."

"I thought that there would be some amateurs since it is newly opened but I was wrong."

"Leaving all of that aside, tell us something about yourself Kaburagi."

"What part should I tell you?"


Funabashi was thinking about it while Yasuo was sitting in his place quietly.

"Why do people call you the 'Devil's Son'?"

So that was the nickname that someone had put on me. I gotta say that the guy who named me has a great naming sense.

"That's the first time that I heard this kind of nickname."

"Either way, I want to hear why you think they labelled you as the 'Devil's son'."

"Hmm. Probably because I almost killed that guy."

"...Why did you want to kill him?"

To her question, I unintentionally showed a wicked smile at her and replied,

"He was kind of pissing me off so I repaid him off with some disciplinary actions."

Funabashi seemed to be startled a bit. And she also had a hint of a smile in her while muttering to herself.

"That's why they called you the 'Devil's son'."

"Sorry but, did you say something?"

"No, it's just being me."

"...Is that so?"

We then talked about their first encounter. Apparently, it sounded like a clichéd meeting between those. From what they said, Yasuo was just strolling went he saw Funabashi getting surrounded by 3 guys. They were starting to close on her when as expected, Yasuo came to intervene.

Then he fought with those guys when they did not leave after being warned by Yasuo. He won but he did not have to interrupt because she would've dealt with them herself. It was after the fight that he knew that Funabashi is one of the delinquent leader in Chiba High School.

Well, she was quite thankful to him and they met a few times. And during their moments together, they became closer and blah blah blah.....Typical anime protagonist. I hate them.

Anyway, I was a bit surprised by their background story but was kind of bored. Now I really want to complete my objective now.

"Oh, perfect timing. Our food came."

The waitress came with a plate, containing all of our ordered food. She placed all the plate with care then left with a gentle smile saying,

"Enjoy your lunch."

"Thank you for your service."

I thanked the waitress and went back to admiring my Miso soup. It had an enticing aroma. I looked at the other two they started to eat by themselves.

"Funabashi. Yasuo."

At my sudden call to them, they looked at me.

"Are you two perhaps, on your first date?"

""That's right.""

Those two were in sync. I facepalmed. Looking at me, they were confused.

"Do you guys know what to do in a date?"

Yasuo spoke in a calm tone.

"We spend time together."

"Yes. But in a more romantic way."

Those two tilted their heads in confusion. These two are novices when it comes to dates.

"Okay. Seems like there is a long way to go."


"Now do you understand what a date is."


"Don't 'ohhh' me you idiot."

After I explained to them what were the things that would make their date more romantic, they seemed to be thankful towards me.

I gulped down all the Miso soup in one go and stood up. I gave Yasuo the money required to fill the bill. Now they can't worry about money

"Huh? Where are you going Kaburagi?"

Funabashi questioned me as I was about to leave.

"Isn't it obvious? A date is between two people who are in love, and I am a no-one who barged into your precious time, so enjoy your date."


"Oh come on, don't say anything else. Or else my effort of bringing you here will be in vain."

"...That means that you were doing all these,... for us?"

"Of course, we're friends after all."

Funabashi smiled. As I was about to leave, Yasuo stopped me, again.

"Wait! You left your hoodie."

"Oh, thanks. But it's not for me. It's a gift for my precious fan."

Funabashi looked a bit surprised but felt happy.

"Thank you."

"Don't sweat it."

I left the restaurant without turning back. I was walking down the street and was thinking about those two.

"My plan was a success. Fufu...now then, I need to do a little something so that I can complete the task."

I saw Kinoshita and the 2 girls coming out of the café. Kinoshita saw me and stopped. I walked towards his direction with full of confidence.

'Perfect timing.'