
Chapter 2: Troublesome Circumstance

On reaching that noisy place, I saw a group of people standing and screaming at one individual. When I looked at that one individual, I was a bit shocked.

'They are getting angry because of one single girl! Are these guys super weak at fighting or are they, cowards.' I thought

That girl had a hoodie covering her face. I was just able to see the face below the nose. The only reason that I could deduce that it was not a boy, was that she was wearing a skirt.

She was wearing a jacket in which a dragon was drawn on the back of it. I also concluded that she was a delinquent.

There are 7 guys surrounding that girl, who were wearing this very school's uniform. One of the guys shouted,

"You bitch, you will pay for this!"

The girl then replied in a calm tone,

"You bastards were the first to hit me so I just acted in self-defence. It wasn't my fault."

"You provoked us!"

"And who made me provoked you?"


"That's right so you should leave me alone and get lost."

One of the other guys couldn't control his anger and charged towards the girl. When he reached a certain distance near the girl, he swung his right arm right at her head but she dodges it downwards and threw an uppercut at the guy in the face.

The other guys had their mouth agape in shock.

'Oh. She has good reflexes and speed to dodge it. She also has good strength in her hands. It means she has been in many fights. It's a troublesome opponent.'

The other guys were trying to gain their composure but were unable to do so. I decided to watch them fight to kill some time.

After that, 2 guys were charging towards her. She also charged towards them. The first one to reach her swung his right hand. She dodged it to the left and hit him in his solar plexus with her elbow. Then dodges the other guy's punch very quickly and kicked him in his nuts.

'Those guys are just very unlucky today. '

The other 3 guys hesitated to fight but one of the guys standing behind them, supposedly their leader, forced them to fight.

They were unwilling to fight but there was no other choice than to obey the leader. They clenched their fists and dashed towards that girl.


After a few seconds, the 3 of them were lying on the ground, injured. Their leader was so terrified that he ran away for his life.

The girl, whose hoodie was off when they were in the middle of the fight, was beautiful. She also had blond-dyed hair like me. Her hair was reaching down her shoulders.

She didn't notice me but I saw her disappointed face and heard her mutter,

"They were just weaklings. Tch... a waste of time."

I just wanted to get out of here because I don't want to meddle into some troublesome business. I tried to sneak out but she saw me and shouted,

"Who's there?"

Geh, she noticed me. It seems like this is also my unlucky day. Nothing goes right for me when I want it to. I turned around and said in a calm tone,

"I'm just a passer-by."

" Are you not in the same group as this bastard?"

"I'm pretty sure that I'm not with them."

After what I said, I grinned at her. I thought that I want to punish her a little bit as she's also the reason for disturbing my rest.

"Why the hell are you smirking at me."

"No, I wasn't smirking at you." Then I pointed behind her and said, "I was smirking at him."

The moment she heard me say that she tried to turn around and look at the guy but wasn't able to do so as the guy blocked the girl's head in an arm lock. So he's trying to choke her.

The girl tried to grab and get rid of his arm from his neck but the overwhelming strength in the guy's hands prevented her from doing it.

I stared at the two figures and kept grinning. I am finding pleasure in harming other people. I guess I really am sadistic. The girl stared at me with wide-eyes. The guy was choking her even more.

"Won't you... help... me?"

She couldn't speak well due to that guy choking her. Well, I want to help her but I want to have something in return. Otherwise saving her would be meaningless for me.

"Why. Don't wanna"


"It's a pain in the ass for me and, what do I get for saving you?"

After a moment of thinking, she said,

"I can give... you... 100¥"

"Too low"


"Still low"


When she was about to get choked, I just casually said her to duck.

Despite being choked, she heard me and moved her head down very fast. The guy's head was now in my range as it was pulled down by that girl. And I quickly did a roundhouse kick into the guy's face and he fell on the ground, leaving a mark on his cheek.

The girl, lying on the ground to her knees, held her neck with her hands and said,

"That guy almost killed me!"

"So, where's my 800¥"

"What! I just nearly died and you are worried about your money! And also it was 500¥, not 800¥!"

"Oh, so you do remember. I was afraid that you would have no memory of that negotiation."

"What negotiation? That was blackmail!"

"Well, either way, you owe me money for saving you. So, once again, where is it?"

After a moment of hesitation, she submitted.

"Here it is, you bastard!"

"Thank you"


Well, maybe it isn't my unlucky day.

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