
Chapter 1: Humanity

Once upon a time there was a boy who was born in middle class family.His Father works on a chemical factory as a manager and his mother was a housewife.He goes to school everyday.One day he was coming back to school he saw two brothers fighting with each other on the issue of Family Matter.The people gather around them and only seeing the matter.The boy saw that tried to stop them but two brothers try to hurt him and beat him like a hell.He was hurted and shouting for

Help!Help! there was a girl from crowd comes and saves the boy.Humanity Restore The saviour boy replied to girl.Crowd was cheering to girl.Irony is Girl was from his school.After the incident the girl took boy to hospital.Doctor applied stitches and our boy health was getting better.girl stayed in hospital for him on that day.Then our boy was fallen in love with that schoolgirl and their LOVE STORY Begin.....