
CAP 23

The power of invisibility is basically a trap. I can enter any place without anyone noticing and the most important I can also occupy it in battle. Just imagine it, in the middle of a combat you disappear and stand behind your enemy to give a critical hit is a terrible ability.

Although as every skill also has its disadvantages. I can only use it when I am conscious that is, if I fall asleep, get knocked out or receive an attack, it is canceled. I cannot become invisible and use movements, I always have to appear to do something other than float up.

Thanks to this, I regained my confidence a bit and was able to get closer to cities and humans, I hope to find Liberty Garden soon. Although that is on hold for the time being, I have to help Meloetta with the Rocket team matters.

She says that with her power they could conquer the world, but I don't know exactly how, 'are they going to make her sing themselves to sleep and catch their enemies off guard' I honestly have no idea how they could use her power.

When I asked her directly, she only told me that she sang in front of a mirror and the Pokémon went crazy. That is one of the reasons why we are currently in a kind of old laboratory. I borrowed some books from different places in order to investigate the mysterious mirror and get an idea of ​​how such a thing can work.

We have been in Virbank city for a week, but we have not gotten any information. I am thinking of going back to the village of Meloetta and seeing her guardians 'maybe they will be of help' I wonder if I too will have a guardian.

On the other hand, it is a great city, it is the Hollywood equivalent of my world, there are new things to see every day. We always go out on the pretext of looking for information, but we end up getting into some kinds of tourist trap and lose the whole day.

Meloetta has gained too much confidence lately. When she is happy she starts singing 'what has happened a lot lately' that attracts too much attention and we end up surrounded by people.

In fact, a rumor of a singing Pokémon has already spread and several directors are looking for her to sign a contract 'that could be a great step to fulfill her dream, worse until we solve the Rocket team problem we should not draw too much attention' we are planning to leave town very soon.

At the moment we are in the laboratory, as always I try to find some information that can help us, I also kept looking for information about Liberty Garden.

The small abandoned laboratory has been the base sample, there was Meloetta sitting in her usual place 'it seems that she is not in the mood to sing' she plays with her green hair, looking indifferently towards the window.

Outside you can see the blue sky, the laboratory was in the lower part of the city. Very few people came to this area, an isolated place both visually and acoustically, the perfect place to go unnoticed.

"Hey! Super Pokémon ♪ "

I sigh heavily with the intention that she listens to me, I close the book and turn to see her.

"I'm bored, let's go out and play!"

"We've been playing all week" I grab my forehead with my hands, lately she has been infatuated with the movies and shows in the city. Every day she drags me from one place to another to see some new event.

She seems that she does not realize in the situation that we are.

"We had better leave soon, we have attracted a lot of attention"

"We can't wait a couple of days, a movie event is very close" Meloetta rolls puppy eyes.

Sigh "your desire, only that the event ends and we leave the city"

"Yeah!" Heavens this girl is too spoiled, I tell myself as she dances happily.

"Super Pokémon ♪" she approaches me and stretches out her hand as if she is asking for something.

It's always the same with her super Pokémon this, super Pokémon that, until when is she going to make me regret those words?

"I'm sure I'll give it to you" I give him money since he found out that he can buy things he has not stopped asking me for money. I just give a little every day or he would have finished everything from the beginning 'this would be the last thing we have left, I will have to leave stones again '

"No idii-oot! Super idiot Pokémon "Meloetta crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

"Give me the MAP"

"So that's what it was all about" I quickly handed over the browser.

She takes it quickly, as she watches it she starts to smile.

"Today on a tour of the studio, it starts in a couple of hours, it would be good to go see it"

"other? Only yesterday we went to three "

"Yes, but in this one we see the participants of the contest"


"That is something that the Super Pokémon does not know ♪" she approaches me with a mocking smile.

"It's not that I don't know something ... I just don't care about her" I look away from her and cross my arms with indignation.

She walks over to me and pulls me by her cheeks "ughh" I push her hands away from my face.

"It's okay, it can't be helped, I'll accompany you to the end just for today"

The lab is silent, I turn to see her and has a hand on her mouth as if she could not help laughing.

"So ... the super Pokémon is a tsundere"

All those movies and shows have been a bad influence.

"Fufu, hahaha, hahahaha"

She ended up bursting out laughing, despite covering her mouth, she threw herself to the ground and grabbed her ribs.


As you would expect from a girl who always teases me, it is enough to make any comment or action to unleash a wave of teasing.

"I don't know what you think is so funny"

After a while she gets up, she wipes the tears from her eyes and puts her hands-on my shoulders.

"Haha, I get it ... I'll explain" he patted me on the shoulders 'man, he treats me like a little boy'

"In the contest all novice directors are called to participate, there are no restrictions, anyone can go make a movie and enter"

"Okay let's go, but don't start singing in the middle of the tour"

"That happened only once and it was because we were in the castle of the Pokémon princess" she turns her face with a "humph"

"The studio is on the other side of the city, it will be better to hurry if we want to arrive on time"

"Very well ♪"




On the way to the studio we had to make a mandatory stop at the Beartic ice-creams. I would dare to say that it is the best candy in the city, there is not a day in which we do not come for a couple.

"Yes, I'll always say it, the bubblegum flavor is the best"

"I'm sure the strawberry one overcomes it." Meloetta seems very confident in what she says.

Not wanting to get into another pointless discussion, I ignore it and continue eating my ice-cream.


She without warning she quickly approaches me and takes a bite of my ice-cream


"It's certainly good, but ... it doesn't beat the strawberry one"

"That's no excuse to steal my ice-cream"

"You can take mine" she brings her ice-cream to me and I quickly take a bite before she regrets it.

"You idii-oot!" she screams and walks away from me with an embarrassed face.

"You offered it to me yourself"

"Yes, but you didn't even hesitate, you pervert, shameless"

She can eat mine, but I can't touch hers, how selfish can she be?

When we got to the study she was still mumbling a few words.

"Idiot" I pretend I don't hear anything.

"Look at the tour is about to leave" we quickly got on top of a tourist car.

While the truck is moving forward, the guide is explaining to us the settings and the movies that have been filmed in them.

"This is the setting where the famous moon landing scene was filmed"

"Hooo" everyone takes photos samples the guide talks about the time and dedication of the actors.

Everything is fine when I notice something strange, a kind of black fox with a flame pompadour on its head. However, the surprising thing about this creature is that it transformed into another Pokémon and then into a human.

I quickly fly off and chase the strange fox. The Pokémon runs with a kind of notebook in its snout, it transforms into a human to enter one area and reverts to being a Pokémon to go to another.

"Little fox wait for me" I yell at him, but he doesn't seem to hear me. 'I didn't want to do this' I use my power of confusion and float it slightly.


"I did not want surprising, just that I had never seen such a strange Ditto"

"Rua, rua"

"You are not Ditto, better one, teach me to transform myself"


"My name is Victini, mythical Pokémon" I lower the fox slowly and release it from my power



"Zorua is a sinister type Pokémon. It usually lives close to its evolution Zoroark, this one is very protective when it comes to Zorua; for this reason, he usually takes care of him in his first months of life "

"Very good Zorua, teach me the art of transformation"

"Rua, rua"


"Rua, rua"

"that exist?"

"Rua, rua"

"do not tell me"

"Rua, rua"

"That being the case, thank you for your help" the little fox runs quickly with his notebook in his snout.

Basically the transformation of him is a racial skill, it is impossible to teach it, or you are born with it or not, it cannot be learned.

It is a kind of illusion, as far as he knows, only those of his race can learn that technique.

"I felt I was close to becoming human" I am disappointed for a while when I realize something important.

"shit! Forget Meloetta ... i'm really fucked up"

Next chapter