

A tale of a human and a wolf, a tale of fate and of true love. Sometimes, life's worst incidents are made to bring us joy and love. After the death of Leis' mother and the attempted murder by Zeres' brother, for the fear of being usurped, fate has a reward awaiting both of them. Meeting in the manner they least expected, affection and genuine love were birthed. How long would it last, considering the many differences they share? What would happen after Zeres realizes who it was that attempted to murder him? How would love between a human and a wolf on the hook form, in bitterness or in ecstasy. And when Zeres loved one are involved in the pursuit for his life, how long would it take, to avenge their deaths. How many years is he willing to wait, just to get Revenge on the alpha of his pack, his own brother?.

Rachelharris · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Her eyes looked lifeless and she was forced on top of another man.

No noise came from her and she looked like a lifeless sculpture.

The man who had come out had gone back inside the brothel.

Zeres took another look at the girls and felt pity for them.

But now wasn't the time, he couldn't raise any suspicion even if it'd take him less than a minute to kill those vile men in the room.

The Alpha's room was located at the lone end of the mansion and Zeres walked towards it making sure not to be caught.

He disguised himself well enough to avoid the guards beside the Beta's room the pack.

Next was the alpha's room which was heavily guarded.

Zeres snuck in and threw a smoke bomb to distract the guards and ran into the room.

Zeres locked the door from behind as soon as he got inside and saw the figure of a man on the bed.

"He took out his gun to shoot at the figure on the bed.

A clap was heard from behind.

Alpha Ryan has walked in majestically.

He wore a robe and his body was drenched with water.

Zeres was shocked at who was on the bed and scurried over to where the bed was and unruffled it.

It was a dummy, Zeres knew he was done for but still didn't give up.

His sole aim was to kill Alpha Ryan and get out of there.

"Welcome Zeres, I've been expecting you for a long time.

Zeres looked at him in surprise, how did he know he was coming?

"Alright, you're shocked as to how I know you're coming right."

"Zeres face had confusion on them.

"I know this might hurt a bit but your brother snitched on you."

Alpha Ryan said enthusiastically.

Disbelief is portrayed in Zeres' eyes, his brother would never do anything like that.

"Don't tell me you're surprised that he did, oh my goodness, you're still a kid when it comes to Matters like this."

The gun in Zeres fell to the ground when he saw that Alpha Ryan wasn't lying.

Eyolf had really sent him here to be captured.

"Ah, now you get it, you see your brother Eyolf was always jealous of you."

"But, but why, why would he do that, why was he jealous of me."

His breaths were getting shallower and his eyes turned from the pain I'm his heart.

Turns out all the concerns and the things Eyolf told him were a lie.

Ash, too, she had also lied to him.

But that use does it do now that be found the Truth.

Alpha Ryan saw this but there was only viciousness filled in his eyes.

"You know, I've always been wanting to know what type of a man you're."

Zeres clutched at his heart and looked up at Alpha Ryan.

"Despite not being the Alpha, you're still the strongest one in your pack, even your brother Eyolf can testify to that."

"I was surprised at how you managed to escape all the guards I positioned at each and every corner of this house."

"You, you're the one who forced Eyolf to do this, I trust Eyolf, he'd never do Anything like this, you blackmailed him."

Veins were popping over his forehead and his face was drained of all colors.

"Oh I'm not the one, your sister-in-law Ash did the work."

"She's the one who filled your brother who was always jealous of you with vicious thoughts."

Zeres's strength declined after the heard Alpha Ryan's words.

He had been tricked by his own family.

Tears fell his face to the ground as he was finding it Harder to breathe.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk how I wish I could pity you, but you're too strong for me to want to save you."

"What if one day, you end up going Against me."

"I'll have to kill you right now itself."

He walked back to his closet after making sure Zeres was too weak to do anything and picked up his gun.

"I'll make your death easy and painless, trust me your absence is going to benefit a lot of people."

Zeres didn't give alpha Ryan the chance to take advantage of the situation.

He crawled stealthily to the gun he had dropped on the ground and picked it up.

Alpha Ryan had opened the door arrogantly whilst talking to Zeres.

He didn't expect the gun to be shot by Zeres.

It hit him right on his chest barely avoiding his heart.

"Get him guard's he shouted and staggered backward."

The white robe he wore had been stained to scarlet Red.

The guards opened the door and bolted into the room.

Catch him, he mustn't escape.

Zeres had rushed out of the room and the guards chased after him shooting him.

A bullet grazed past his shoulder and another landed on his back.

Zeres let out a loud shout from the pain in the bullet but didn't stop running, he couldn't get caught, he had to see Eyolf and make him pay for what he did. the other guards in the front had noticed the tussle and run from the alpha's room.

They shot frantically at Zeres who managed to Dodge them.

A bullet went through his abdomen.

Zeres's steps halted for a moment, he took his gun and shot at the man who shot him in the abdomen right in the middle of his head.

He fell flat to the floor making the other guards shocked at his precision of shooting.

He ran until he got out of the pack house.

Another bullet went right through his right chest and he screamed from the pain.

The pack house was in the middle of a vast waterfall.

His steps staggered as soon as he got to the end of the fall.

The guards were behind him and there was no other place to run to.

Shots were fired from the front and another hit on his left shoulder.

"Pray I don't survive this Eyolf and Ash, I'll make sure you pay for this.

He shot the remaining bullet at the guards who shot at him but was so out of bullets and fell back into the high current waterfall.

His body got washed away by the water.


It was the last day for me to be at home.

The bus which went to town would pass by tomorrow and I'd leave then to Bridgerton.

Father and I were packing my luggage in the room and had some small talk in the process.

"I'm going to miss you a lot, Dad."

"I'm going to miss you, princess."

He hugged me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

Alright, Siri down let's talk we're done packing.

Dad and I sat on the bed.

I didn't know what he had to talk about and just waited patiently for him to bring up a topic.

"Leia, I want you to know you're going into a whole new world."

"Bridgerton isn't like our small town in Rockville, you'll meet a lot of new people and make a lot of new friends."

"I want you to know that I'm always there for you."

"Whenever you need a shoulder to cry on or when things get hard, remember that Daddy will always be here for and with you."

"Alright Daddy, I said throwing myself in had hands."

"Take care of yourself Dad and don't think about what you aren't supposed to."

"Go out and have fun, work in the garage but not too late."

"Remember that you're the only one I've for me."

"I know, I know, Leia, I'll do exactly as you asked me to."

"Promise me you'll do as I say."

"I promise Leia."

"Pinky promise,"

I stretched my finger out and he did too, I hooked then around his, and we both laughed.

I'll take you to the train Station tomorrow.

"Get some rest after eating dinner, make sure you have a nice sleep."

"You know what they say," early to bed, early to rise."

I walked to the kitchen and took a plate of rice.

The sitting room was slightly illuminated at night and I sat down to eat.

"Help, help, help me Zelda, I heard the strange voice again, this time it was weaker."

It wasn't as sharp as it usually was and felt faint.

I shook my head to get rid of it and walked back to my room after dropping the plate in the kitchen sink.

I walked into the bathroom and turned in the shower, the water drizzled down on my Head to my body.

I walked out of the bathroom and headed to the bedroom after choosing a pajama from my closet.

I plopped on the bed right after and fell asleep.

Next day

I woke up to meet Dad making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning Dad, I greeted"

"Good morning sweetie, he smiled at me holding a frying pan in his hands.

"Can I join, I asked him"

"No, you can't, you've to go get ready for the train station."

"alright Dad, I'll be right back."

I dashed into the room to get ready.

I walked into the bathroom and undressed the pajamas I was wearing, the shower drizzled over my naked body.

I wriggled happily under the shower.

"Leia, your food is ready, I heard Dad's voice from outside.

"I'll be downstairs in a while."

I'd already taken out the clothes Dad had bought for me when we got shopping and put it on.

I smiled happily at my reflection in the mirror.

I walked back to the dining room where Dad had laid down the food.

"You look very beautiful in this dress Leia"

"It's all thanks to you, I said to him.


"Come and sit down"

He gestured to me.

I sat next to him and ate the food.

A few minutes later, I'd cleared the food on my plate and stood up to clear the table.

Leave the plates in the kitchen, I'll do them when I get back from the train station.

"Alright Dad, I said to him and left the plates in the kitchen.

Dad's sexy old lady was already in front of the house to take me to the train station.

I dropped my luggage in the booth and sat down in the front seat beside Dad.

Are we set to go? He asked me.

I took another look at the house where all my memories were formed.

A small trickle of tears fell.

"Let's go, Dad, I said to him.

He started the car and accelerated to the train station.

Thirty minutes later, Dad and I got to the train station in time for it to arrive.

I took out the luggage from the booth and carried them down to book my ticket.

"A ticket to Bridgerton please, I said to the booking clerk.

"One minute ma'am, she said to me and brought out the tickets to Bridgerton.

I was handed the ticket and paid before I turned to go.

"Have a safe journey ma'am" the booking clerk said.

"Thank you, I said to her and walked to where Dad was.

I took the luggage into the train and came back down to bid my final farewell to him.

"Take care, Dad, I said and hugged him.

He held my hand and kissed them before he bade me farewell.

I went back to the train and waved at him from the window seat I sat in.

Goodbye Leia, I read his lips from where I sat.

The train got moving and soon Rockville was no longer in view.

I fell asleep on the train after eating the pack of snacks I'd packed in my backpack.

The train traveled for hours and stopped at the park that led