
chapter 2

Thor had arrived at Avenger tower in search of his friends. He smiled as he entered the commons room. He was looking around, only seeing the man of Iron sitting watching the television. 

"Hello brother stark; how has Midgard faired in my absence?" Thor's loud voice had caused Tony to jump, looking over towards the Asgardian. 

"Um, the earth is doing quite well, haven't had a mission in a few weeks. What brings you here, Point Break?" Tony responded, standing up and heading towards the bar to refill his scotch. It wasn't uncommon to see Tony drinking anything alcoholic. As he waits for Thor to respond, he takes a drink; suddenly, he spits it out. "What the hell?!" he exclaimed, tossing the bottle in the trash. 

"What is wrong, my friend?" Thor asked, watching his friend confused. 

"Someone switched my scotch with sparkling grape juice. Tony spat back, his mind trying to think of who it was. "J.A.R.V.I.S, who was in the kitchen before Thor showed up?" Tony almost demanded from his AI system. 

"I am sorry, sir, but the only one in the kitchen has been you," the computerized British voice responded. 

Soon after (Y/n) and Natasha entered from the elevator laughing among themselves. "So then Clint was stuck wearing a pink uniform for a month." (Y/n) I finished her story until she noticed Thor, one of her best friends. 

"Thor, you're back!" you ran over to hug him, then saw Tony with a look of disgust on his face. You had to hold back laughing from your prank. 

"What up with Stark?" asked Natasha as she sat on the couch.

Thor chuckled hugging (Y/n) before responding. "It seems someone had pranked brother Stark" he smiled as you started laughing, your ponytail swaying slightly with your movements. "What? Who would do such a thing?" You ask sarcastically. Thor rolls his eyes. Tony growls at you. You hold your hands up in surrender then start laughing again. 

"No wonder mother chose you." Thor chuckles. You look at him, confused. "Choose me for what?" "There is to be a content held for my brother's hand in marriage. You, Lady Natasha and Lady Maria have been invited to compete." Natasha smiles evilly. "What?" You whisper to her. "We can finally properly punish Loki for what he did in New York," Natasha whispers back. 

"Here are the invitations. They should have all the information you need." Thor hands you each a beautiful sealed envelope. You open it and read it. "NO, WEAPONS!" Natasha practically yells. Thor nods. Natasha walks up to Thor and smiles up at him. Thor smiles back. 

Natasha punches Thor in the face. Thor looks at her, shocked. Natasha does a spin kick and kicks him in the gut. "Lady Natasha, I'm going to have to ask you to stop," Thor says, overly polite. Natasha chuckles, then round kicks his head. "Why are you doing this?" Thor asks. Natasha glares at the Asgardian. "I never go anywhere without my weapons," she practically growled, pulling Thor into a chokehold.

 "As much as I'd like to see this, we should probably break them up," Tony tells you. You sigh. "Yeah." You walk up to them. "Alright, you two break it up." You walk between them.

Natasha releases Thor and stalks off towards her room to call and inform Agent Hill of the news. "Maria, it's Romanoff; apparently, you me and (Y/n) are invited to compete in a contest to become Loki's wife." She explained the details to the young woman. "Nat, as much fun as it would be to avenge Coulson, Fury just assigned me to an undercover mission. I am afraid this is going to be just the two of you," she said half-heartedly before hanging up. Natasha sighs. 

Meanwhile back with Thor

"So, what is this contest?" Tony asks, trying not to sound confused but failing. 

"A few maidens from each of the nine realms are invited to compete. Loki will choose around 25 events that they will compete. At the end of each event, he'll have a chance to send someone home," Thor explains.

Tony nods his head. "Ok, but why?" 

"It's tradition." Thor shrugged. 

Tony looks confused again. "Why didn't you have to have some of these?"

 "Well… Jane and I are already wed…" he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Tony stood there in shock from the news Thor had announced. "Since when?!" He practically yelled as (Y/n) looked at both of them. 

"Since a year ago. Mother already knows and passed the competition on to Loki," he explained as Natasha walks into the commons room with her bag, having smuggled a few of her shocking disks into her bag. 

"Well, are we going, or are we just going to forget this whole contest, crap?" Natasha huffed as (Y/n) ran to pack a few necessities.

You, Thor and Natasha, walked out to the balcony, said goodbye to the other Avengers, then thor called Heimdall to transport the 3 of you to Asgard. As you traveled along the BiFrost, your thoughts returned to the dark prince and how soon you could leave the competition.

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