
Chapter 9 Silly Merman, Tricks are for Gods!

This cowardly merman truly thought that he was going to get by with this. At the moment, I was in no position to argue. His hands; I thought there were only two. The more I deny him, the more he seems to have. Yet he is not an octopus.

As my head finally broke the surface of the water, I could see we were in a cave of some sort. There were dozens of women in here. All of them looked scared. All of them without a stitch of clothing. They quickly pulled me out of the water and surrounded me. One rather hefty girl walked up to the waterline as the merman stepped out of the water and onto the shore. She was giving him a piece of her mind.

Hefty woman: How dare you bring another woman down here! You said you consider all of us to be brides. Yet you never touch any of us! We will not allow this to continue! We demand freedom! We are not here for your viewing pleasure! None of us will willingly sleep with you, that is unless you pick one and let the rest go. We all had perspective husbands on the surface…..

The merman picked her up by the neck and dangled her body over the water. A man that looked half great white swam up and pointed at himself. The merman dropped her in the water. He said, "Dart I warn you only of the size of the weight of this ones tongue. She will suffocate you with it. May you both have a clutch of healthy pups."

The other merman grabbed the woman and she screamed loudly just before she was submerged. The merman looked back at all the women. He clapped his hands and got every ones attention. He said, "My lovely brides. Yes as the large woman said, you are all brides. However, you are not MY brides. There are not enough mermaids to go around. So, we have to improvise. I myself will be taking one of you as mine tonight. As you may have noticed, this is my first time on shore with you. I am the headman of the merman school in these waters. We finally have enough of you women to begin the next generation. All of you are untouched by mermen. That changes tonight." He looked pervertedly at the mob of women. "Some of you may not be virgin, but you are untouched by mermen. You will enjoy your new lives under the water. I promise! As soon as you consummate your vow's with the merman who chooses you, you will become mermaids yourselves. You all are the most beautiful women in the providence. You are the most special mermaids in these seas. Now if you will not step up to be picked; I will have the mermen come up and pick you all one by one. Don't be shy, there are plenty of mermen to go around."

Not one woman stepped forward. I could not agree more! But when he started grabbing women and holding them over the water, I could not stand idly by. I began walking through the crowd. My red glow had disappeared. A female centare stepped forward and took my hand. We walked together to the front. When we approached the water I almost peed myself. It looked like piranha swarming in the water. But instead of little fish, it was mermen!

I closed my eyes tight. I just knew this was going to hurt. But all of a sudden I was surrounded in a bright light. Then I was floating! I banged my head against the ceiling. When I looked down into the water, I could see that I was a ball of light. I do not know how I did this! I began to panic again. The more panicked I became the faster I flew. I was bouncing all over the ceiling now. When I had burned off my panic I came back to the floor slowly. During my untimely flight the merman never stopped handing out the women. There were maybe all of twenty women left, amazingly this included about five centare women. They surrounded me, trying to protect me. However, the merman came over and took them two by two, While I was catching my breath. Everyone knew now I was no ordinary woman.

The Centare women backed up to me. one of them saying not to move. Another merman jumped out of the water and helped the other pick up the centare women to throw them in. They tried to rear up and fight back. But one merman would grab the hoofs in the air, while the other pulled the legs out from under the centare woman. Then they threw her in. The other centare women tried to protect their friends. But more mermen came out and helped finish the job. Eventually leaving me as the last woman in the cavern.

The headman was the merman who took me. When I looked around the cavern, we were the only two people still remaining. That is when I noticed he was naked as well. I must not have noticed before because of the mob of women between me and him. He began to approach me slowly. Not like he did the other women. He looked like he was trying to tame me. What was he going to do next! Give me a cookie. I was scared and cowering in the darkened corner where the women had tried to hide me. I hugged my knees and prayed my husband would find me. Aries would not tolerate this!

All the noise in the cavern had died out completely. There were no more screams, splashes, or cursing. I got a feeling of; what could possibly happen next! Then his hand touched my shoulder. I thought I was hidden! But apparently not well enough!

The headman smiled, "I knew you were special! You are a brand new immortal! You will not turn into a mermaid my sweet. When we turn the others, we are giving immortality. They will grow to love and cherish their new husbands. You, yes well you are a different story. You will always be this beautiful. You may be wondering how I knew just where to find you. Well, I will always be able to. I am half fish. I get all the perks with that. I can see in dark places by sound, or by sensing your heat. We are warm blooded too. I have your scent. I did not take any other woman's scent. We mate for life. That is how I will always be able to find you. Now wont you come out and talk with me?"

He had such a soothing voice! If he had kept talking he very well might have talked me to sleep. I felt myself push away at the wall and come out of my hiding hole slowly. He took my hand and helped me. He looked me up and down thoroughly. He put his hands on my hips as he kept talking in his sonorous voice.

He turned me around and looked at my back and back to my front. He said, "Not a single scratch! That is very good! I had not intended on keeping you in this cavern. But it is God proofed in here. You cant get out, and they cant get in. As far as the Gods are concerned; you disappeared. You belong to me now. After I take you, I will belong to you. After we have had our first roe I will let you back to shore for sunlight. But by then all you will want is my company. By the way, do not get it in your head that Hercules will come and save you. He can not hold his breath long enough to swim five fathoms down. He is a fool for attempting such foolishness."

He pulled me tight into himself. I could feel his manhood rising. I also noticed it had barbs sticking out of it! I started pulling back and coming back to myself! I screamed, "OH, HELL NO!" I tried to run but there was a wall to my back. There was nowhere for me to go!

He rubbed my shoulders gently and kissed the crook of my neck. He said, "Do not worry! After the deed is done. After I have drained my seed. The barbs retract. They will not stick you unless I try to pull completely out anyway. I have to be able to have some movement you know. Otherwise, it would not be a very enjoyable experience."

He began playing with my breasts, I went to shove him off again, and he stopped everything. He said, "All right! I see you are scared. I will go make us a nice nest to lay down on. You will be more comfortable that way." He went to walk to the water stopped and turned around and smiled at me. "FYI I am a water God. My Grandfather was Triton. You may call me headman, or Amimitl. Every woman should know who they are married to."

With that he jumped into the water. He left me alone! I only had my thoughts and the sound of flowing water to keep me company. I thought I was going to lose my mind. But when he did come back he had a bunch of roses, and saltwater taffy! He handed me the candy and roses. Then he went straight to work building a nest. He would not listen to me no matter what. He had a chore and he was completing it.

He hummed in his hypnotizing voice as he worked. He must have been amazing at basket weaving! He had brought a whole bunch of reeds and sticks. He weaved them all together and made a four poster king sized bed. He did it in one trip. When he left and came back again he had a mattress stuffed with bird down. Some feathers were still sticking out, but he covered the whole thing with clean dry bedding. Which I have no clue where he got it from! The bed was absolutely beautiful! It even had a couple of throw pillows nicely decorated when he was through.

My mouth was on the floor. I was so impressed! I was absolutely speechless. I was completely under his spell. Wait there is that word. I knew I was under a spell. But my minds, I care factor, had been turned off. At the moment I could not care less. When he was finished he came over and picked me up from where I was sitting. He carried me over to the bed and laid me down gently. He began kissing me and trailing those kisses down south.

This week, because I was sick and moving last week, I will be posting 3 chapters. One on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Please if you have any ideas for this story line make a suggestion. I can and will not promise that your idea will be used. But if it is used I will make a special note to the person who suggested it. Like my Best Friend Barbara! Due to my dyslexia, I am not always the best at grammar. Sometimes when the book is transferred to online things are messed up in the editing. Sometimes it is the authors fault. Mainly the authors fault lol. My spell check does not catch if the right word is used with the wrong spelling. Sometimes the right spelling but the wrong word. I appreciate it when people point this out. It gives me a chance to fix it. If this book was to be published I do not want to look a fool. I love telling stories. I love being creative. Thank you to all my loyal readers! This book may end up being contracted. I just got the offer and I am so excited you all are enjoying my writing so much! You the readers mean the world to me. Thank you!

As always!

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