
Chapter 2 - His 'work'

"As if you're not used to it."

After few minutes, the limousine stopped at the Ometaichi Tower. There's hotel named Roppongi Hotel, one of the exclusive and luxurious hotels in Tokyo. Lucian was about to meet his client, Kanzaki there. He and Asuka went out from the limousine, heading to the place. 

Entering the main lobby, everybody would be in a daze when they see the interior inside the hotel. While walking towards the elevator, some people can't stop looking at Lucian, some even whispered to each other as they knew him. And most importantly, his dress was a bit revealing, making men there keep looking at him with hidden lust. Lucian was used to it, he slept with rich men. So rumor about him was spreading widely. 

Inside the elevator..

"One more thing, tell Kimura to wait for me at room." 

"Okay. I will inform him." Asuka nodded.

The elevator stopped at the Level 40, it's where the best suite is located. Both went out from the elevator, towards to suite. Inside there Kanzaki was sitting at the dining place, he looks excited when he saw Lucian already arrived.

"Oh my, my beautiful lady. You sure love to make me wait." He went to Lucian and kissed his lips.

"Well you do waited for me so patiently," Lucian said in seducing tone and kissed Kanzaki back. "Asuka, you may go now." His secretary didn't say anything as she just bowed, went out from there, leaving those two people in lust having fun together. She waited outside waiting for her boss to finish 'his work'.

"Now, she's gone.. So I have something to show you," he opened dressed revealing the sexy lingerie he wore and it's even made Kanzaki became more excited. "And it's the one you gave to me." He closed his gap between his client, whispering even more dirty words while rubbing the bald man's body.

"Oh Lucian, my queen. You're always make me so turns on way better than any women I slept with." He lifted Lucian while kissing and went to the bed. Those two then started to do each other. Their loud moans can be heard inside the suite.


"Sigh… Today is even more bizarre than before. He's sure willing to sleep with anyone that pays him a lot. Worse it's not even young men, ugh…" 

And to ask Asuka to inform Kimura to wait for Lucian, she knew very well what it means. He never satisfied when he slept with his clients. So, Kimura acted as his sex partner to fill pleasure for Lucian, and he paid that gigolo a LOT. well, it's not only Kimura though, there's more than that.

Most normal people wouldn't accept this kind of job. But I have to because my mom is sick and this bastard paid me a lot. He even paid for mom's treatment, prepare the best doctor and hospital too. Somehow I just wondering, if he's actually nice or actually he's a bad guy. Why I'm questioning about his real self? I cannot read him at all. He can be nice but he can be worse. I still remember how he went to his client's funeral, toying with his client's family and demands them to paid him. That's not even the worst things he did. It's more than that!

While Asuka in her thought, Lucian went out from the suite after few hours. His pissed off face showed how he felt.

I bet he was asked doing something that can makes himself vomit... Asuka said that in her mind.

"Is Kimura already there?" He asked.

"Yes. He just arrived a few minutes ago." Asuka followed Lucian from behind, entering the elevator together.

"That Kanzaki san sure took longer time than before."

"That shitty bald man's became worse than before. He makes me want to vomit so much I have to hold it. He's sure have bizarre taste." Lucian complained.

"Well at least Kimura wouldn't make you feel that after this. Is that good?" 

"Asuka, if there's burned cigarette here, I will definitely put it inside your evil mouth."

"It's ok, thank you. I prefer the rice more."

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