



"My Son..."

'Who's calling me?' thought the boy.


"Uawkkk....." the boy jumped abruptly.

He looked around only to find himself sitting on the side of a large lake. It was almost dark, and the only source of light was the galaxy of stars shining above his head.

'Why am I here?' he thought.

As he turned toward the source of the voices from before, he saw a couple staring at him with tears in their eyes.

He knew the couple very well because they were his only family.

He moved towards them and spoke in a shaky voice.

"Father, Mother, why are you crying?"

"Why didn't you save us?" said the woman while taking a step forward.

"Mother I...." he ceased his steps.

"How could you be the only one to survive? Why do we have to die?" said the man with blood in his eyes.

"No Father..."

"It should have been you that died," said the woman with a crazy look on her face.

"No Mother... I" he choked

"You're so useless," they both said together and pounced on him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Mother, Father," he panicked and grabbed his head.

"Ring ring."

The boy woke up and turned off the alarm.

He rubbed his eyes and saw some traces of tears on his hand.

"Sigh this dream again," he sighed.

'I must go now, they will be waiting for me. After this, I can finally leave this hell.'



(Author's note)

Hey guys, this is my first time writing something, so please be easy on me and let me know of my mistakes so that I can correct them and make this piece something worth reading.


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