
[Chapter:34][Status Update.]

Echo looked at the ceiling in a daze, before sighing softly.

"Looks like I'll have to be careful…when using these cards in the future…"

His eyes flashed with a reminiscent light as he dwelled into the memories of the man named 47, or rather, into 'his' memories.

"I am…Echo Howers…but I'm also…47…"

Then, he looked at the prompts from the [Game]…

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Intermediate Gunfighting] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Advanced Gunfighting] learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Gun Mastery] reached max level!))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Assassination] reached max level!))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Dismantling] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Acting] learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Acting] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Knife Mastery] learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Knife Mastery] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Basic Knifemanship)) learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Basic Knifemanship] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Intermediate Knifemanship] learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Intermediate Knifemanship] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Advanced Knifemanship] learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Aiming] reached max level!))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Reload] reached max level!))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Accuracy] reached max level!))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Precision] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Technology Mastery] learned.))

((Conditions met. Skill [Computers Mastery] reached.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Driving] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Explosives Mastery] learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Explosives Mastery] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Basic Explosions] learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Basic Explosions] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Intermediate Explosions] learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Intermediate Explosions] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Advanced Explosions] learned.))

((Conditions met. Skill [Ambush] learned.))

((Conditions met. Skill [Ambush] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Martial Arts Mastery] learned.))

((Conditions met. Skill [Basic Close Quarters Combat] learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Basic Close Quarters Combat] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Intermediate Close Quarters Combat] learned.))

((Due to prior experience, Skill [Intermediate Close Quarters Combat] reached max level!))

((Conditions met. Skill [Advanced Close Quarters Combat] learned.))



Echo shook his head as he looked at his Status…

Or at least, he wanted to…

((Various affections and loyalties updated. Please check the [Relations] function for more information.))


((Rei Miyamoto Affection : 91))

((Saya Takagi Affection : 86))

((Shizuka Marikawa Affection : 90))

((Naomi Taneda Affection : 93))

((Saeko Busujima Affection : 94))

((Kyoko Hayashi Affection : 89))

((Taniuchi Furichi Affection : 91))

((Kawamoto Furichi Affection : 91))

((Misuzu Ichijou Affection : 92))

((Toshimi Niki Affection : 91))

((Yuuki Miku Affection : 96))

((Kohta Hirani Loyalty : 79))

((Takuzo Taneda Loyalty : 80))


"How did that happen?"

He recalled how, just an hour ago, only one of those affections and loyalties had reached 90…

But now…


Shaking his head, he brought up his Status which had changed enormously in just an hour.

. . . . . .


Echo Howers

Titles : [He who went against Fate] | [The Outcast] | [The Forsaken One] | [Family Man] | [Silent Prince] | [Agent-47] (!)

Level : 209 (00.00%)

Job : [Necromancer(Lv-9/100)]

HP : 15,818/15,818 (1,581.8 per min)

MP : 321,520/321,520 (48,072 per min) (801.2 per sec)


Strength : 719 (790.9)

Endurance : 719 (790.9)

Vitality : 719 (790.9)

Agility : 719 (790.9)

Intelligence : 4,019

Wisdom : 6,009

Senses : 719

Charm : 710

Stat Points : 0


[Focus(II)(Lv-17)] (!)

[Scholar's Knowledge(Lv-76)] (!)

[Premonition(Lv-12)] (!)

[Assassination(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Dismantling(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Strategic Combat(Lv-99)] (!)

[Aiming(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Accuracy(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Reload(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Precision(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Mangekyō Sharingan(Lv-49)] (!)

[Mental Arithmetic(II)(Lv-41)] (!)

[Gun Mastery(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Intermediate Gunfighting(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Advanced Gunfighting(Lv-50)] (!)

[Leader(Lv-17)] (!)

[Arson(Lv-21)] (!)

[One Man Army(Lv-19)] (!)

[Driving(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Corruption(Lv-1)] (!)

[Psyche Guidance(Lv-1)] (!)

[Seduction(Lv-1)] (!)

[Basic Crafting(Lv-1)] (!)

[Basic Alchemy(Lv-1)] (!)

[Basic Runes(Lv-1)] (!)

[Knife Mastery(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Basic Knifemanship(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Intermediate Knifemanship(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Advanced Knifemanship(Lv-50)] (!)

[Acting(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Technology Mastery(Lv-80)] (!)

[Computers Mastery(Lv-80)] (!)

[Explosives Mastery(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Basic Explosions(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Intermediate Explosions(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Advanced Explosions(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Ambush(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Martial Arts Mastery(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Basic Close Quarters Combat(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Intermediate Close Quarters Combat(Lv-Max)] (!)

[Advanced Close Quarters Combat(Lv-50)] (!)

. . . . . .

'Lots of new skills…'

Echo sighed as he looked at the description of all of them, and as expected, most, if not all of them were similar to skills he ready had.

'It'll be nice if I can somehow combine…similar…skills…'

Echo blinked, before glancing at his Inventory.

'I somehow gathered 8 Lottery Tickets again.'

Decisively using them, he watched as the familiar lottery wheels appeared before him, spinning quickly before slowing down to a halt.

((Obtained Item [Skill Fusion Card].))

((Obtained Item [Skill Fusion Card].))

((Obtained Item [Skill Fusion Card].))

((Obtained Item [Elder Wand].))

((Obtained Function [Skills].))

((Obtained Item [Skill Fusion Card].))

((Obtained Item [Skill Fusion Card].))

((Obtained Item [Magic Containment Gem].))

'The very first draw is what I wanted, and I got five…and the rest…seem pretty good too.'

His eyes flashed as he used the 'Skill Fusion Card' he just got, not even bothering to read the description since the usage was quite obvious.

((Using Item [Skill Fusion Card]…Please select skills to fuse.))

Looking through his long list of skills, Echo selected those which were similar yet equally important.

((Confirm fusion of Skills [Bow Mastery], [Basic Archery], [Intermediate Archery], [Gun Mastery], [Basic Gunfighting], [Intermediate Gunfighting], [Advanced Gunfighting], [Accuracy], [Precision], [Reload], [Aiming], [Arson], [Explosives Mastery], [Basic Explosions], [Intermediate Explosions], [Advanced Explosions], [Driving], [Technology Mastery], [Computers Mastery], [Knife Mastery], [Basic Knifemanship], [Intermediate Knifemanship], and [Advanced Knifemanship] ?))


((Confirmed. Fusing Skills…complete.))

((Conditions met. Skill [Equipment Mastery] learned.))

Before looking at his new skill's description, however, he used the other four 'Skill Fusion Cards' as well.

((Confirm fusion of skills [Killing Intent], [Bloodlust], [Murderous Aura], [Seduction], [Corruption], [Psyche Guidance], [Head Pats], and [Acting] ?))

((Confirm fusion of skills [Scholars' Knowledge], [Analysis], [Research], [Premonition], [Chess], [Learning(II)], [Mental Arithmetic(II)], [Map Reading], [1 Tomoe Sharingan], [2 Tomoe Sharingan], [3 Tomoe Sharingan], [Mangekyō Sharingan], and [Observe] ?))

((Confirm fusion of skills [Martial Arts Mastery], [Basic Close Quarters Combat], [Intermediate Close Quarters Combat], [Advanced Close Quarters Combat], [Ambush], [Stealth], [Sneak], [Assassination], [One Man Army], and [Mad Enhancement] ?))

((Confirm fusion of skills [Leader], [Summon Skeletons], and [Summon : Bones] ?))

Nodding his head in confirmation, Echo looked at his new skills.

((Conditions met. Skill [Anomalous Mind] learned.))

((Conditions met. Skill [Clairvoyance] learned.))

((Conditions met. Skill [Combat : Sin of Wrath] learned.))

((Conditions met. Skill [Summon : ???] learned.))

'Now…what else is there?'

((Activate Function [Skills]?))


Although he had no idea what activating the function would do, activating the [Relations] function didn't let him down, and knowing he wouldn't be getting any additional information till he used it, Echo confirmed the activation without much hesitation.

((Confirmed. Function [Skills] activating…))

((Note, activation of Function [Skills] will cause all previously learned skills to be forgotten. Please select 10 Skills which will remain even after activation. Skills [Gamers' Body] and [Gamers' Mind] need not be selected.))

Echo frowned at the sudden prompt.

'I guess there's a reason why that message came when I first activated the [Relations] function…'

His 'Eidetic Memory' allowed Echo to recall the prompt when he activated the [Relations] function, which seemed to him more like a warning before he did something that can't be undone.

'Can I stop the activation now?'

He didn't get an answer, and seeing as how he suddenly felt unable to use any of his skills, it was clear that he couldn't let the prompt hanging there indefinitely.

'Bad decision? Perhaps…'

Sighing softly, he selected the skills which were most important at the moment.

((Confirm selection of Skills [Void Fade], [Equipment Mastery], [Clairvoyance], [Combat : Sin of Wrath], [Anomalous Mind], [Summon : ???], [Strategic Combat Mastery], [Basic Alchemy], [Fate Breaker], and [Tai-Chi] ?))


Although he didn't want to, Echo could only let go of the other, less important skills. Even his most cheat-like skills 'Focus(II)' he had to leave behind as none of the skills he selected were any less important.

The importance of 'Void Fade' need not be mentioned, it was a skill which not only made him near undetectable, but also nigh-invulnerable against most beings. 'Equipment Mastery', 'Clairvoyance', 'Combat : Sin of Wrath', 'Anomalous Mind', and 'Summon : ???' were all new skills, but one glance at their descriptions made their importance clear. And the remaining four…

'Strategic Combat Mastery' is a skill which even the two cheat-like Heavenly Dragons agreed to be cheat-like, 'Fate Breaker' is a skill which, considering his relationship with Fate, was absolutely necessary, 'Basic Alchemy' is, according to his little sister, something every Gamer has to have, and the last skill…

To be honest, Echo hasn't yet used that particular skill, but the description made him hesitate on losing it.

((Confirmed. Forgetting all skills…activating Function [Skills]…complete.))

Echo felt several 'invisible triggers', which were like limbs dedicated to using those skills, disappear. Although the knowledge of the skills themselves remained in his mind…

'Oh well. What's done is done, I suppose.'

Shaking his head, he looked at his vastly different Status.

. . . . . .


Echo Howers

Human | Male | 19 years

Titles : [He who went against Fate] | [The Outcast] | [The Forsaken One] | [Family Man] | [Silent Prince] | [Agent-47]

Level : 209 (00.00%)

Job : [Necromancer(Lv-9/100)]

HP : 15,818/15,818 (1,581.8 per min)

MP : 321,520/321,520 (48,072 per min) (801.2 per sec)


Strength : 719 (790.9)

Endurance : 719 (790.9)

Vitality : 719 (790.9)

Agility : 719 (790.9)

Intelligence : 4,019

Wisdom : 6,009

Senses : 719

Charm : 710

Stat Points : 0


[Gamers' Body(-)(Lv-Max)]

[Gamers' Mind(-)(Lv-Max)]

[Void Fade(I)(Lv-Max)]

[Equipment Mastery(I)(Lv-1)]


[Combat : Sin of Wrath(I)(Lv-1)]

[Anomalous Mind(I)(Lv-1)]

[Strategic Combat Mastery(I)(Lv-99)]

[Summon : ???(I)(Lv-1)]


[Fate Breaker(I)(Lv-5)]


Skill Points : 0

. . . . . .

The majority of his previous skills disappeared, not to mention the '(I)' that is present before the skill level.

Then there was the presence of 'Skill Points', which, while he currently had none, would surely be something of importance.

'But first, let's try to learn that skill again…'

Which skill was Echo talking about? 'Focus', of course.

'Focus…what should I focus on…'

Clearing his mind of l distracting thoughts, he solely focused on trying pictures into his family, his little Rhi, his adorable big sister Leah, his mother Aya…

The tsundere Ddraig, and Albion who loves teasing her host and her sister whenever he gets the chance…

((Conditions met. Learn Skill [Focus] ?))

Echo smiled as he confirmed, but…

((Insufficient Skill Points.))

*blink* *blink*

'Ah, so that's what the use of skill points is…'

Looking at his skills, he took a posture and began to move his hands and upper body, and then his lower body as well, according to the knowledge he had of 'Tai-Chi'…

((Skill [Tai-Chi] levelled up!))

'Oh, looks like levelling is as usual.'

The faint sort in his heart disappeared. If levelling up required Skill Points as well, it would have certainly become far more difficult.

'Now I've only seen disadvantages to activating the Skills Function…as for the advantages…'

Looking at descriptions of his skills, he smiled.

'So that's how it is…'

. . . . . .

[Void Fade(I)(Lv-Max)]

Type : Skill / Active

Description : Fade into the Void. Skill effect can be focused on various aspects of the user as well.

Cost : 100 MP / sec

Current Bonus : 100%

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Equipment Mastery(I)(Lv-1)]

Type : Skill / Passive

Description : Mastery over all tools, arms, machinery, vehicles, and equipment in general. Knowledge require to operate said equipment would become available when needed / required.

Current Bonus : 1%

. . . . . .

. . . . . .


Type : Skill / Active

Description : Seeing that which is otherwise unseen. Perceiving that which is otherwise un-perceivable. Gain access to information beyond the scope of that which is available through normal sensory contact.

Cost : 0~? MP

Current Bonus : 1%

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Combat : Sin of Wrath(I)(Lv-1)]

Type : Skill / Passive

Description : When in combat, undying rage and unending anger would fuel your capabilities to beyond the limits. Increase all damage, attack speed, movement speed, accuracy, hit rate, reaction speed, evasion, etc… .

Current Bonus : 1%

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Anomalous Mind(I)(Lv-1)]

Type : Skill / Passive

Description : Possess a strange, bizarre, and unfathomable mind capable of influencing others with but a thought. New sub skills are unlocked every tier.

((Sub Skills))

— [Enhanced Mental Processing] : Increase the processing speed and capacity of the user's mind.

Current Bonus : 1%

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Strategic Combat Mastery(I)(Lv-99)]

Type : Skill / Passive

Description : Defined as "the employment of battles to gain the end of war" or "the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfill the ends of policy", increase the stats of those following your commands.

Current Bonus : 99%

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Summon : ???(I)(Lv-1)]

Type : Skill / Active / Summon

Description : Summon the [???], which currently consists of one skeleton. More summons are unlocked every tier.


— [Bones(Lv-1)] : Summon the [Skeleton Magician] 'Bones'.

Cost : 100 MP / summon

Current Bonus : 1%

. . . . . .

. . . . . .


Type : Skill / Active

Description : Alchemy is concerned with the transmutation of matter, and the purification, maturation, and perfection of materials available, with the end goal being creations of materials and elixirs similar to yet vastly different from those used to create them. New sub skills are unlocked every tier.

((Sub Skills))

— [Purify] : Purify given materials / substances of all impurities.

Cost : 100 MP

Current Bonus : 1%

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Fate Breaker(I)(Lv-5)]

Type : Skill / Active

Description : Break the Fate influencing the target.

Cost : 0~? MP

Current Bonus : 5%

. . . . . .

. . . . . .


Type : Skill / Active

Description : An ancient set of Martial Arts based on the philosophy of being the ultimate source and limit of reality, from which spring yin and yang and all creation. Following the principle of 'Balance', allows one to reflect, redirect, and balance opposing forces with ease.

Cost : -

Current Bonus : 2%

. . . . . .

Next chapter