


"Announcing, the Knight of ceremony, Sir Ridge of The Walter Dozen Swordsmanship Academy." I took my first step through the large wooden doors of the great hall. At the far end of the room the majority of the Riddotha family adorned a dark, sleek table. Duke Riddotha stood in front of his family, watching me carefully.

I've never been able to tell what the Duke thinks of me. He might not have any thoughts about my existence at all. That would probably only change if he ever catches his wife harassing me. Let's just say there may have been some truth to Kadeeth's unpleasant comment earlier. Unfortunately. I get chills just thinking about it.

I square my shoulders and find Kadeeth in the crowd. He's not sitting with his family, but with his fiance and her parents. He looks completely and utterly bored until his attention settles on my noisy strides. I suppose that's one good thing about being a Knight. Being enrolled in an academy is a good excuse to put off thoughts of marriage and engagement. I've suspected many of my peers of choosing this life with the sole purpose of escaping their marriage contracts.

Kadeeth will probably be unhappily wed to Drina Lushare within a year or two. Sometimes I forget how different our worlds are. Until moments like this, when I'm fully suited and Drina's hanging off his arm.

My feet slow to a halt before Duke Riddotha. His dark hair is combed back perfectly, revealing his blank eyes and infamous robotic aesthetic. Ceremonies like this are usually no big deal to families like Riddotha, who can afford to appoint dozens of Knights each year.

However, I'm not joining their general forces, so it's a bit more special. The Ravenous guard is present, taking up almost an entire table the length of the room. Some of the younger boys are hooting and hollering, even banging their cups on the table in approval. The more experienced Knights track my every movement with their eyes, which have been sharpened by years of loyalty to the Riddotha Duchy.

That's my future. A Knight must remain faithful.

Duke Riddothas mechanical aura shifts into a serious presence that easily fills the room. Everyone quiets down, even the rowdy Ravenous Knights. I can practically feel Kadeeth's eyes boring into the back of my helmet.

"We have taken to the great hall of the Riddotha estate today in celebration. Today, we welcome the newest member of our esteemed Ravenous guard. A Knight who has earned his honor, and overcome stifling conditions." If I hadn't grown up around Kadeeth, I wouldn't have realized that was a blow. So, Duke Riddotha does acknowledge my existence, and my commoner heritage. I should've known he'd have a problem with that.

"Sir Knight, present your oath, and it will be accepted." The Duke cues.

My skin feels itchy, it's uncomfortable and all I want is to escape the eyes on me. The great hall is full of my peers I have yet to impress, and Nobels I will never impress, even if I try. Oh, and Kadeeth, he's here too I suppose. Deep breath, here we go.

"I swear to you, Nobel house and Duchy of Riddotha, my protection and long-standing loyalty through any and all trials that await us. I shall give the next years of my life to you in sacrifice and honor. Let death be the only blade to break this vow."

A flash of something crossed the Duke's face, if only briefly. Unlike the dubbing ceremony, which has been the same for generations, an oath given by a Knight is often created by the Knight himself. Perhaps the Duke liked what I said, which would be a proud moment considering it was the same oath my father used when he was a Knight.

He never retired. That old man served the Linde family for almost fifty years, before perishing in the ever present conflicts at the border. The Lindes have since become a fallen Nobel family, bankrupt and without a drop of influence left. I miss him, but it helps settle my mind that he died in battle, an honorable death for a Knight.

"Rise then, and take this name, Sir Ridge Riddotha." I've never had a last name before. It feels like I have a new identity, maybe even a new family.

"Let the feast commence!" The Duchess proclaims from her seat at the head table. The Duke nods and leaves to join his wife, who's smiling at me in a way I wish looked like a proud mother. Shivers.

I stride over to the Ravenous table. Now I have a whole new battle ahead of me, it's like the Academy all over again.

"Heya, Ridge right? Nice to meet ya, man." The young blonde Knight at the end of the table slid over to make room for me.

"C'mon Martina, don't hog the new guy!"

"Martina?" I ask, eyebrow raised.

"Don't pay them any attention, they only call me that cause their so jealous of my beauty." He glares at the Knight who made the comment and turns back to me as I sit down, "The name's Martin, but if you think I'm pretty too I don't mind the nickname."

He winks playfully and I can feel my whole face go red while I pull off my helmet. This makes him, and the others around us, laugh. Then he looks down at my clunky armor and clicks his tongue.

"We should get you out of those first." He beckons to the suit.

"What?" My face gets impossibly redder, to which he looks stunned for a moment before putting his hand on my shoulder and cackling hysterically.

"Oh my gosh, you're really something else. I just meant it's probably uncomfortable to try to eat fully suited like that. Wouldn't you rather change into something more comfortable?" I shove my helmet back on and avoid eye contact.

"I, I knew what you meant!" The other guys around us are wheezing with amusement at this point. Then there's another hand on my shoulder, and it's drawing me up.

"I can help with that, I know where the Squire put your clothes." Kadeeth's voice offers from behind me. His grip on my shoulder his firm, and when he comes to stand next to me, I can see the fake smile plastered on his pale face.

"We'll be back then, nice to meet-" Kadeeth pulls me away and out of the great hall before I can finish my sentence. What the hell was that? Why was he so rude? Dammit, if I didn't ruin my first impression with the other Ravenous Knights, then he sure did.

"Sooo, how does it feel to officially be a Ravenous?" He attempts to make conversation as he pulls me into the Knight galley, where I'd gotten ready for the ceremony. I didn't need his help to find it if this is where my clothes are.

"Are we really gonna ignore what just happened? I'm trying to make friends, ya'know." I huff.

"And I was helping you." His stance turns defensive, his voice getting slightly higher.

"By butting in on the conversation and whisking me away like a damsel in distress?" He takes a deep breath, before stepping closer and taking my helmet off. Then he walks over to put it on the rack.

"No, it just seemed like it maybe wasn't going as well as I know you would've wanted. I thought if I got you out of then, that you could still start over when you went back." I look down and drag my feet a bit. He comes back over and starts disconnecting one sleeve of armor.

We've been around each other for too long. His Nobel way of speaking like there's a stick up his ass has long since deteriorated when he's with me. I mean, for goodness sake, what kind of sheltered Nobel's son knows how to assemble and disassemble a Knight's armor faster than most Squires?

"Your right. You were just trying to help, and you probably did." I sighed through a small laugh, "I don't know how much more teasing I could've taken."

He grins, "Any more and you would've exploded like a squished tomato."

"Whatever." I smirk, glad to move past such a dumb argument.

He helps me take off the rest of my armor before opening a chest by my bench space and fishing out my clothes. Yeah, I never would've found those. Then he puts up his arm, and I meet him halfway.

"Go down humble." That stupid grin.

"Or stay standing."

And just like that, he leaves me, alone again, in the Knight galley.

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