
Best day, turned worst.

''Did you think... It was funny?" Using a pair of pliers, a large man with soft ginger hair, and freckles decorating across his above-average appearance.

Pulled the pinky nail off of a man with similar features, shorter hair, and older, all though not as well built as the person who was torturing him. Another scream left his hoarse throat, so many hours of this pain, and it still wasn't ending.

''Was it funny, when you raised your hand and hit her? Did you have a fucking giggle when you watched her hit the ground?'' Standing, the male left the man heavily changed to the chair, with blood, cuts, bruises, and missing teeth. He had already spent a few hours going through the wringer as the man asked each question, but he never got an answer... No, the Torturer made it clear he didn't care for the answers, as he crushed each toe for every word that left the man's mouth.

Walking up to a large table, he tossed the bloody pliers onto it, pulling a large wrench from the table as he turned around. The man gripped around the handle of the massive wrench with such a tight grip his knuckles were white... At least the skin that showed beneath the bloody hands.

Walking back up to the man he released a growl, something low and primal, thinking less and less with his mind and more about his instincts and hatred.

''Was it funny, that when she hit the ground... You, instead of checking on her, decided to **** her, like you had done so many times before? That's what my little brother and sister and I are after all. Children of ****.''

Raising the large wrench, he got a good batting stance, one of the things he had learned how to do properly thanks to his seeking of strength, how to properly swing a heavy wooden blunt object as he suddenly moved, his body exploding with power as the wrench suddenly smashed against the left knee cap of the man. A scream ripped out of his mouth.


Another swing, this one much faster as it suddenly cracked against the side of the man's face, the man with the wrench roared in anger.


He began to smash the wrench against the man's thighs and legs, the screams had died down, but the man never noticed as he swung, again and again.


More swings, each more brutal as the one before it.


He stopped suddenly, pulling back as he glared down at the mangled mess the man had become, no response had been coming for a while. Ever since he reacted to his anger by hitting him in the head it had killed him.

He stared for a long moment before he threw the wrench down, his fingers clenching and unclenching, so much rage... It was still there in the back of his head, he could feel it bubbling over like a consuming wave that would wash everything else away.

Small hands slid around his waist, thin arms pulled him close as those small arms hugged him tightly from behind. A face pushing into the spot just below his shoulder blades.

The man slowly relaxed, letting his eyes close as he felt the anger begin to decline, from boiling over the edge to a soft simmer, then still as he opened his eyes, slowly pulling the arms from around him as he turned around.

Standing there was a woman only 5' 5'', a far bit shorter than the man's 6' 6'' stature. A beautiful woman with dark brunette hair pulled tight in a ponytail, curvaceous in every tight. Soft and beautiful blue eyes stared with so much love up at the large man. Raising her hands she pulled his cheeks down, making him lean down far enough to place a very, very gentle kiss on the crown of his forehead between his soft ginger brows. ''How do you feel Arin?''

''I feel... Angry, angry that I couldn't get it all out, angry that it happened so quickly for him... Angry at myself for letting it go on for so long... But honestly? I feel so much... better. All those years, and it will never happen again, they'll never have to deal with him again.''

The woman continued to kiss him, down the bridge of his nose, across to his cheek, and along them as if trying to kiss each freckle before then kissing at his lips gently. Before she pulled away. ''Come on, let's get you cleaned up, you need a hot shower.''

The man grew a soft smirk, staring down at her. ''Will it be hot because you're in it?''

She giggled, her cheeks flushing softly as she pulled once more, this time lifting herself as she kissed him once more. ''Yes, because we'll both be in it, while I'm helping you get all the blood off, and with the water extremely hot.''

''I don't mean to interrupt your plans to shag my sister, again in the shower. But do you mind if I just, mangle the bastard?''

A large man, only a few inches shorter than Arin spoke up, eyes and hair similar to the woman but his build was broader just like Arin. He had a firmness to his steps and a trimmed look that screamed fresh out of service.

''Do what you want, just remember to clean up how we planned once you're done,'' Arin said, giving him a nod as he was guided away by the woman. Only to be stopped as a hand rested on Arin's shoulder. ''I'm sorry Arin... Sarah didn't deserve a life like this.''

Arin stopped, a hint of anger returning to his gaze as he thought about what happened that day, they couldn't get there fast enough... When Arin's Mother heard that following weekend that Sarah would never walk again, it was that night that sentenced Arin's Father to death... It was that night Arin saw his mother out for blood

''I know Tony... But you know, between the both of us? I think she'll still live happier than anyone else.'' Arin smiled softly, the bright and cheerful smile of his little sister coming to mind as she tried to do a wheelie in her new permanent wheelchair.

Tony chuckled softly, shaking his head. ''I can't deny that and still a better cook to... Alright, treat my brother right JamJam.''

The woman giggled softly at the nickname before she continued to drag Arin away.

''Jam Jam is still, by far the cutest nickname I've heard JJ.''

''Yeah, well it started because of the girl he dated back in high school also named Janet, and then it became JJ, and then one day he woke up after having collapsed on the couch after he got home from duty, and then it was forever JamJam.'' JJ stated as they made their way out of the large wooden warehouse, making their way towards the path leading back up to the house.

''Well... You do make a good Jam.''

''OH OH OH! I WANT THAT ONE!'' A bubbly girl in her wheelchair stated, her bright ginger hair and beautiful bright eyes met with an award-winning, heart-stealing smile. Pointing towards a large stuffed bear

Arin smiled sheepishly as he watched from behind her, being the one to push her wheelchair along, occasionally pulling back on it to give her a wheelie, each time causing her to erupt into giggles.

''Sarah, you've already got like three of them at home!'' Said a boy walking beside them, matching features as he held triple scoop ice cream in his hand.

''Yeah, but Allleeeex. I don't have one THAT big!'' Sarah stated with such confidence it was hard to argue with her.

Pulling the wheelchair around and up to the stand, Arin made his way around her wheelchair as he reached for his wallet. ''Can I get, five tries?''

The man standing behind the carnival counter smiled, it moment's like these that he loved every moment of his job. ''Sure man, usually it's only a dollar per try like the sign says, but I'm starting to root for your little sister, so how about I give you ten?'' The man said as he took the five dollars Arin passed to him.

''Ah, under her spell already? I knew I shouldn't have taken her out of her little witch hut, already bewitching the populace.'' Arin stated with a chuckle as he got set ten balls in front of him, taking one as he got a feel for it, a feel for its weight.

''Man, I understand that. I got a little sister of my own, just turned one this year, and I swear I'd kill someone for her if she asked.'' The carnival man laughed out loud.

Arin chuckled softly, for only a moment did his eyes move to look at Sarah who was to focus on pulling out her phone to record the ball throw attempt.

''I understand you there, I'd kill anyone who harmed her.'' Arin released a laugh before his arm suddenly moved as he rocketed the ball forward. It knocked down all the pins in one go, one even flying to the right and knocking over the second stack of them.

The Carnival guy's hands went up into the air in excitement. ''HOLY! I've never seen someone pull that off before... Guess that means...'' The man smiled as he turned around, pulling two of the large Teddy bears down.

Sarah broke into a giggle fit as she had to put her phone away and use both of her small arms to hold the Teddy bears as tight as she could, not able to see around them due to their size, only muffle giggles.

''Man, I can't wait until my little sister grows up, I'm going to spoil her so badly, I'll never be able to finish my car pro... huh? Hey man, you got some dust on your shoulder.''

Arin raised a brow before he looked over, noticing a lot of grey powder that fell down onto his jacket, brushing it off he looked up, the other guy following his gaze before the both of them had the color drain from their face.

''RU-'' The guy across the counter was suddenly stopped as Arin with a powerful hand pulled him across the table, just as far more dust began to fall before a massive crack began to be heard.

Pulling the man, Sarah, and Alex into his chest the man began to run as the ceiling above them began to crumble down.

Piece after piece fell near them, none falling on them until an old man tripped right in front of them onto the ground causing Arin to stumble.

Arin didn't think twice as he tried to move to pick up the old man only to hear.


A massive slab suddenly fell...

There it was again... The anger.

This time?

It was far worse.

Arin put down his siblings and the man he carried and he caught the slab on his shoulders. Being forced down to a knee as the weight of it all came down on top of him at once, more rumbling piled around them as the light quickly got snuffed out as the rubble built up around them.

''Arin? Arin!'' Sarah called, frightened as she shook like a leaf, trying to find him in the darkness, her hands bumping against something, but feeling against it she knew it wasn't him.

''I'm here Sarah...'' Arin spoke with strain.

''Arin, please tell me you're fi-.''

''Sarah! Remember what we saw on the discovery channel, don't panic! Do the breathing exercises Arin taught us, calm down!'' Alex said, despite the own panic in his voice

There was a silence, just breathing with the occasional sound of rubble moving above them. A soft grunt was heard.

''Arin, your name was it? You good kid?'' Ask the old man, his voice was hardened and stern, but the worry was in it just like the others, he assumed that since they didn't get crushed yet, Arin was shouldering the entire burden of the rubble by himself.

''I'm fine... How are you four?''

''I'm fine, I think I got a cut on my shoulder, but it isn't bad at all... My name's Garret.'' Stated the carnival man, the old voice following his.


Sarah spoke up. ''I'm fine, Alex can you help me check my legs?''

''Yeah, hold on. Let me get my phone for a flashlight... Everyone shield your eyes.''

Alex's hands were shaking as he held his phone, afraid of what he would see as he turned on his phone's flashlight, looking around at the faces in the small cave they were now in.

He looked up to Arin who was holding the large slab, other than a few cuts on his face he seemed fine, and he began to check everyone.

''Only person here who is hurt is Arin and Garret, a few scratches... How are you holding up Arin?''

He chuckled a bit, Ben noticing how despite his chuckle, there was something hidden in his voice.

''Like I'm holding the sky on my shoulders, Buddy...''

''....Just like Atlas?'' Sarah asked, her hand shaking softly as she reached up to wipe some of the dust off Arin's face.

''The man who holds up the sky right?.... Greek mythology I think.'' Garret asked.

''Yeah, Sarah wants to be a writer when she grows up, right stories about the gods, romances, adventures, all types of things, so she studies about them a lot.'' Alex stated, turning the light off to conserve his phone battery.

Ben chuckled softly. ''I read a few of those stories when I was in the war... Helped keep me sane sometimes... How about you tell us some of the ideas for your future books Sarah?''

Sarah began to talk, on and on about her ideas, showing those gathered her wonderful mind and bright future ahead of her.

This continued for hours, hard telling the time where they were. They had tried to call someone but the signal wasn't getting through.

After some time, Arin stopped responding to things, Ben using every bit of his poor skills to simply say that Arin had fallen asleep. Tired from holding the rubble, but his body was still awake, trying its best to keep the rubble up.

Which... Wasn't wrong, but it wasn't right, Garret could tell the boy was practically dead. He checked an hour ago and he felt barely any heartbeat.

It felt like ages until they all heard something... It was muffled, but it sounded like someone yelling for the names of the two kids and Arin.

''Alex, you got a voice on you, can you yell for them?''

''...Yeah, let me wet my mouth some.''

''Here's the last juice box, share it between you and Sarah.''

Soon, Alex began to scream for them, and as the voices got closer, it was identified as Tony, JJ, and a few others.

''That you Alex?! Who is all with you?!!"

''Sarah and Arin! Along with two others named Garret and Ben!''

''Garret?! Oh, my poor boy.''


''Garret! Hold on, son! We got a lot of help, just hold on!''

Tony's voice raised up again. ''Careful with the rubble! One wrong move and it could crumble onto them!''

It switched from inside the small cave, to the outside, a massive group of people traveling across the massive pile of rubble that expanded out far, the entire building had come down, it was only one floor and a roof, but it was still a lot of rubble. The only reason they had been able to find them was due to the GPS on Sarah's phone saying she was around this area, but it disappeared before they could search too heavily.

Tony began to slowly help others pull the rubble before he heard Alex yell again.

''Arin is holding up a large piece of rubble!''

Tony called out. ''How large?!''

''Large enough to give us all enough room to stretch out and not touch!''

Tony's face paled, JJ's covering her mouth as they started to hurry more and more... Until they found it.

Tony mutters beneath his breath. ''Holy fucking shit Arin... How?''

''It's because it's Sarah and Alex beneath that rubble... If it was anyone else..." JJ said, tears in her eyes, she had a bad feeling. She hated the feeling she had as well, it was the same feeling she had each time she watched her Brother and Arin leave to go fight across the globe, each time he was scared of losing them.

But this time, it felt like she wasn't going to get one of them back.

''ARIN YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Tony roared as they continued to clear the rubble.


Back into the cave, Ben began to shift. ''Garret, Help me, Arin won't be able to do th-.''

Like an animal, the few cracks of light now seeping through showed Arin's eyes slowly opened, his eyes bloodshot. Arin's voice wasn't his, it was strained with so much anger, so much pain. Like a cornered beast.

''Protect them.''

Arin's muscles began to flex, blood bursting from his mouth.

''Arin stop moving, you move an-.''

Ben's voice got cut off as Arin released an animalistic roar, his stance shifting as the large slab began to lift, light flooding the cave as everyone had to shield their eyes.

Blood spewed freely from Arin's mouth as he continued to stand with the slab, a lot of voices started to be heard the higher he went until he suddenly felt the weight slowly come off him, it flipped over as Arin jerked softly when it did, it makes a loud sound as it fell.

A lot of dust raised but Tony leaned over the edge of the large hole, his hand waving to Alex. ''Hand me your sister!''

With some help they got everyone out, Arin being the only one left as Tony waved at him. ''Arin, come on just you are le-.''

''...Tony..." A voice full of sadness, tears overwhelming her as Tony turned to look at JJ, where she pointed to the slab.

There, in the middle of it was a piece of rebar pipe, coated in blood.

Tony turned sharply to look at Arin as he stayed standing for a few moments longer, blood coating the front of his chest, and the entirety of his back died in it.

''Protect.... the....'' Arin's voice didn't finish as he began to fall backward, crashing to the ground.

Tony's eyes hardened as he tried to hold back the tears, JJ no better as she held Sarah tightly as she tried to fight against her hold.


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