
A Black Dahlia

In a world where hierarchy and power were the only things that mattered, in a world where the weak and unfortunate are looked down upon, shined a strong glimmer of hope, dim but sure. BLACK DAHLIA

Heart_Anime_Love · Teen
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A Black Flower Clue

I watched as it flew into the clear blue sky, the pages soar above the shore and soon dives into the blue waves of the ocean,where it'd soon sink onto the bottom floor of the ocean. I tear another page from the book and release when the wind sends a cool breeze. Winter was soon approaching and I had again forgotten my coat at home, but still I liked sitting on this wall and watching the ocean waves,I liked watching the doves, even the sound of the wind brushing against the willow trees I liked. From time to time I could the dolphins jump out and into the water in the distance, sometimes I wonder how their lives were going. "Oi, Mara!" I look down. Jeffarey's Carmel face is squinting up at me against the glare of the sun. Terrian is standing next to him, trying to find finger holds in the granite blocks of the wall. He jumps to pull me off, but I pull my legs up out of reach. The wall is high, so I'm always safe up here. "Mara!" Jeffarey yells again. "Teacher's looking for you." I remember the book that sat in my lap, the rough edges digging into my skin. I rip out another page from the book and set it free. "You're in big trouble Mara!" Terrian yells from below the wall. "That book is school property, everyone knows you're broke you can't pay for it!" I've heard all of this before, people make up rumors to have fun. "Is it true that your family's business gonna shut down!" It's a rumor,but if you don't speak up, it'll spread like wildfire, and all of them are the moths attracted to the flame,to the sparks of the rumor. "It's not true!" And so I stand to my feet and face them all, because I won't let rumors make me fall. When Jeffarey see people start gathering,he speaks up, "Mara-" But I couldn't care less what others think of me, because what I hate the most, are rumors. "None of it's true!" I jump off the wall and over Terrian's head. "But in the end, no one would believe you, maybe if you weren't such a liar." I look towards the crowd where Mrs Mykael shoves her way through the crowd. I didn't do anything wrong this time, but I didn't want to talk to her either, so I ran. I ended up running and running along with the seashore and wind. It seemed to stretch for miles, the waves seemed to clap to the sound of my feet ponding against the hard sand , but alast it felt nice, the breeze that had flown by. " On the other side of seashore lies a field of the most beautifullest and detailed flowers shaded with two colors, dark maroon with a pinkish centre." at least that's what someone once told me in 5th grade, I just don't remember who told me this, sometimes I even think it was just a dream. From afar I can see a black shadow sitting under a willow tree, but as I came closer, the large shadow shrunk into a small black flower in a glass tube,same description when I pick the tube up. A beautiful flower that must have cost a fortune, and foreign letters inscribed at the bottom of the tube. I tuck it into my bookbag, it's a clue, and I'll solve it.