
You Picked the Wrong Village Fool(2)

On the south side of the village, Rodeo was sprinting down the road, trying to reach out for the exit of the village when the locals noticed him fleeing. They had never seen him before and he looked bizarre in their eyes. Yes, while the four lords of the four houses and Miranda had their looks, but he was, as they say, bizarre. 

As Rodeo continued on sprinting through the settlement, he made a left turn and stopped himself...

Because Karl Heisenberg and Salvatore Moreau were in his way. 

"Well, well, you don't seem to be from around these parts. Who the hell are you?" Karl was the first to asked.

In response, Rodeo slowly stepped back, "...I'll just slowly-"

Rodeo stopped his sentence when he turned around to see the villagers returning to their homes, closing their doors and barricading the windows and doors. Rodeo then looked up on the rooftops of the houses around him and notices dozens of humanoids with almost wolf-like animal features wielding axes of various shapes and sizes as well as bow and arrows.

These were Lycans. 


"Well... let's hope it doesn't get any worse than this."

Just then, a towering man wielding a massive hammer jumped off a house and landed behind Rodeo. Rodeo turned around carefully to see who it was.

The Leader of the Lycan pack, Urias.


"...That is a big beard you've got there." Rodeo commented, turning back to Karl's direction who let out a smirk.

"You done goofed."

"Yeah, that I did." Rodeo responded as he looked up and saw a swarm of flies, which morphed back into Bela, Cassandra and Daniela as they landed close to Heisenberg and Moreau. 

"Hi uncle Heisenberg." Daniela greeted Karl with a grin.

"Not your uncle, kid." Karl said with a blunt look, "And also, I hate your mother... a lot."

Ignoring the two, Bela grumbled and said, "Anyways." before pointing her sickle at Rodeo's direction and stated,  "Like I said before, you won't leave this entire village alive."

Surrounded by a group of monsters, Rodeo was in a very complicated situation. He had already played Resident Evil 8 before, but this is reality, with no gaming mechanics, no firearms, and only a few flashbangs and a tiny quantity of frag grenades in his hollow stomach compartment, as well as his Stand abilities. However, with his opponents, particularly Heisenberg, posing a significant threat due to his powers, even the Lycans were no pushovers when it came to their ferocity and numbers. 

The Dimitrescu Daughters were only vulnerable when the environment was cold, but because it was June and a hot summer day, so basically he couldn't do much to kill them instantly, but he can still harm them perhaps with his explosions and fists. 

Moreau, while not yet in his horrifying form, his acid can still be a problem, thus he be cautious because just a single contact could get himself melted in an instant. However, if Moreau and Heisenberg decide to mutate, or if Miranda appears, he will take his chances with Bites the Dust, but he is unsure whether it will rewind him back to the SCP world or the other way around. He only wants to escape out of this village, find help, return home, and somehow try to rescue the people of this village, because that's what decent guys like Rodeo do!

"One guy against all of you, It's kinda overkill, don't you think?" Rodeo asked Heisenberg calmly.

"If you don't want overkill, cat boy, then come with us quietly because the Lycans aren't... the most patient of individuals." Karl sneered, the Lycans behind him let out a savage roar, ready to pounce at any moment.

"I've got a better idea, why don't you all walk away and I don't beat the ever living shit out of all of you. Cool?"

"You're asking for a death wish, cat?" Cassandra said in a cold tone.

"No, I'm giving you all... a warning."

Upon hearing his words, Karl couldn't help but laugh and couldn't stop, "Are you going to make us do this the hard way?"

Rodeo cracks knuckles and says, "Yeah.."

"Annnd you signed your death warrant." Karl said before turning to face the Urias, "Do it."


The Urias let out a roar, leading all the Lycans to jump off the roof and land on the ground with their axes ready, while the rest of them, who had a bow and arrow, remained on the rooftop for long range assault. 

The lycans growled and roared at Rodeo, circling around him like a pack of hungry wolves ready to strike. With a bored look, Rodeo sighed and took his phone out from his hollow stomach compartment, which confused everyone.

"What is he doing with that... thing?" Daniela wondered, her gaze drawn to the strange contraption on Rodeo's hand in curiosity.

Meanwhile, Rodeo was merely scrolling down through the music library on his phone, "Nope. Not that one. Hm... Ah! This will do. Perfect for a fight."

Then he played this song. 

*Music Play — Killer Instinct S2 OST - I'm Back*

Once the music started playing, Rodeo placed his phone back in his hollow stomach compartment, took a boxer stance, and performed five fast jabs, a right hook, and a left uppercut to the air in an attempt to demonstrate his boxing technique to them.

One of the Lycans stared at the Urias, who gestured to attack him. The lycan turn back to Rodeo and ran towards him with his axe, but when he got close, he was met with three rapid jabs to his face, a right uppercut to his gut, and a right hook to his lower jaw from Rodeo, which stunned him completely before Rodeo grabbed his face with his hand and shouted.




The Lycan blew up into atoms, along with his axe With a flick of his thumb, leaving no trace. For him, it was quite a speedy end.

This alarmed all of the Lycans and the Urias. Bela, Cassandra, and Urias look at the scene in utter silence, while Moreau has a look of fear clouded over his face upon seeing this.

"Well now..." Karl Heisenberg, on the other hand, seemed slightly surprised by this. He smirked as he threw his cigar away, "This guy has something to him."

"Who's next?"

Urias was the first to break out of his shock and let out a roar, forcing all of the Lycans to rush towards him from all sides. Two Lycans from behind Rodeo swung their axes horizontally at him, but he immediately twisted around, ducking the blow, and swung his hand horizontally, cutting their heads off in one swing, and they went limp. 

One Lycan jumped towards Rodeo, but he quickly jumped towards the Lycan and kneed him in the face, grabbed him before throwing him towards ten Lycans and switching on the bomb, causing the Lycan to explode on the ten Lycans' faces, annihilating them all in an instant.

Soon after, he noticed the Lycan archers firing a volley of arrows at him, but he rapidly moved left and right, dodging them until he grabbed three arrows and threw two of them back at two Lycan archers, which penetrated clean through their heads and knocking them off the roofs. Rodeo then threw the other arrow at the Urias, but he simply swatted it away with his hand and let out a roar before leaping towards Rodeo with his hammer poised to strike him down, but Rodeo immediately rolled to the right and dodged the attack, and the Urias attack missed. 

Rodeo then notices a Lycan approaching him and immediately dashed towards the Lycan, sliding between his legs and getting behind him before punching a hole clean through his back, killing him. Snatching the Lycan's axe, Rodeo tosses it at Heisenberg at breakneck speed, but his magnetic abilities easily stop the axe in mid-air. 


"Yes, really. Yimada!"

Sensing a greater danger, Karl quickly sends the axe flying away from himself, just in time for it to explode, this startled Karl for a split second, but that was enough time for Rodeo to reach to him and ready to give him a left hook since the axe was merely a distraction to divert his attention away from him, and it worked. 

Rodeo's fist suddenly halted inches away from Karl's face, which surprised Rodeo and he couldn't move it away from his face. 

"Oh ho! Got something metallic in that left hand of yours?"

'...Crap. It could be Sheer Heart Attack.'

Rodeo then went for a right hook, but Karl's magnetic abilities sent him flying towards Urias, affecting Sheer Heart Attack's metal pieces. When he reaches the Urias, it grabs Rodeo by the throat and chokeslams him to the ground before attempting to stomp him beneath his foot, but Rodeo quickly rolls out of the way and punches him in the knee hard enough to somewhat damage his knee bone.

"ROARRR!" Urias roars once more and in rage, it swings down his hammer that tore through the air, but Rodeo immediately rolled to the left, dodged it, sprang towards its face, delivered a right hook, and lastly followed it with a fast spin kick to his lower jaw, causing him spit out some blood.

In retaliation, the Urias seized his head from both sides with his hands and knees him in the chin with both of his knees with immense force. It then instantly gripped Rodeo's back with his hand and with full force, it threw him far away before crashing on the roof of a house with a chimney on it.

All of the Lycans then rush towards him, with Urias following them close behind. 

In the small house, Rodeo grunted in pain as he pulled his head up from the rooftop, "Ow. Told them to walk away I say and here I am getting yeeted... that to every damn time I get into a fight." he muttered

As he stood up, he then noticed Bela flying towards him with her sickle ready, and as she lands on the roof of the house he was on, at lightning fast speed, she dashed towards him and swinged her sickle in different angles numerous times at him, but Rodeo utilized his excellent boxing footwork to evade the assaults. 

"Stand still, you cat! So that I can cut you up!" Bela shouted in an annoyed tone.

"You can fight with a weapon, true, but when it comes to combat, one requires skills rather than instinct to attack." Rodeo explained as he grabbed the sickle between his palms and did an upward axe kick to her face before delivering a right hook to her gut, a left uppercut to her chin, and two fast jabs to her face. 

At that moment, Cassandra appeared from behind the roof's chimney and slashed Rodeo's back with a vertical swipe of her sickle, thereby putting an end to his attacks on Bela quite effectively.

"Got you! Now-"


Bela couldn't react as she got elbowed to the face by Rodeo. She tried to attack using the opening she was given, but was met with a left hook to the face, preventing her from striking him. 

Dodging another vertical swing from Cassandra's sickle by moving to the right, Rodeo delivered another jab to her face and a right uppercut to her chin before quickly doing a backflip in order to dodge a horizontal swing from Bela's sickle that could have hit him from behind if he hadn't dodged it with the backflip and landed on the top of the chimney and stood on top of it. 

"Like I said before, walk away."


Hearing a yell, Rodeo quickly turned around and saw Daniela flying towards him, she did an over head swing with her sickle but Rodeo bends over and dodges the swing before grabbing Daniela and throwing her towards Bela and crashing into her, Rodeo then jumps off the chimney and heads towards Cassandra and drop kicks her face before quickly standing a few feet away from them. 

"We've have enough of this!" 

Both three sisters shouted simutaleously as they transformed into a swarm of millions of flies and like a massive beast, it devoured Rodeo entirely as they tried to consume and shred him within. 

Just then...

"Killer Queen! Second Bomb: Sheer Heart Attack!" 


Everyone thought it would be the end of Rodeo when a massive explosion erupted, and just an instant, half of the swarm was annihilated by the explosion, while the rest of the swarm that wasn't caught in the explosion spread apart and morphed back into Bela, Cassandra and Daniela, but since the swarm is part of them and most of it was blown up, they suffered some burn injuries from the explosion and were on the ground located far from the roof. 

"Just what the hell is he!?" Daniela exclaimed in disbelief.

On the rooftop, Rodeo called back Sheer Heart Attack and immediately jumped off the roof, fell on the ground, and evaded an arrow shot, looking on the roofs of the houses and seeing the Lycan archers on them, and then looked down the road behind him to see the Lycan pack charging towards him with their axes. 

Rodeo quickly flees as the pack pursues him while dodging the arrows from the archers at the same time, and then he makes a right and sees a red metal gate blocking his path, and then he shoulder charges it with full force, breaking it open, and comes to a halt when he sees a large wolf yet humanoid like creature standing a mere ten meters away from him. 

A Varcolac. 


"...Your. Ugly." Rodeo remarked to it as he starts doing the TF2 engineer dance.

"?" The Varcolac looks at him in confusion.

"Come at me!"

"ROAR!" The Varcolac roared, and they both ran at the same time towards each other.

When the Varcolac lunged at Rodeo to tear him apart, he slid underneath him and then unleashed a barrage of punches on his chest.



With a powerful hook to his chest, the attack shattered his rib cage like nothing, causing the Varcolac to coughed out a huge load of blood. Before it could recover, Rodeo grabbed his head and snapped it 180 degree, killing it before blowing his head up to atoms just to ensure it stayed dead.

"TF2 engineer rule 101: If someone says you're ugly, then you're already dead." Rodeo stated. Not long after, he soon noticed at least fifty Lycans charging towards him. Pulling out a flashbang, he tossed it towards them and it exploded, blinding them, and then he threw three frag grenades beneath their feet. After a few seconds, the grenades exploded, killing them in an instant.

Now Rodeo was down to one frag grenade and two flashbangs. He then turned around to move, only to see Urias swing his hammer horizontally towards him, but he grabbed the hammer's head with both of his hands before it could hit him, and locked his feet to the ground, and from the force of the swing that Rodeo stopped created a shockwave that cracked the ground beneath their feet. 

"Killer Queen! Fourth Bomb: Explosive Fist!"

At high speed, he reeled his hand back, and the golden-plated skull on his hand blazed pink. In an instant, he punched the hammer's head with his fist, generating a powerful explosion that shattered the hammer's head into a thousand pieces, leaving Urias with only the hammer's handle. 




Growling in anger, the Urias hurled the hammer's handle like a spear at Rodeo's head, but he shifted his head to the right, and the handle hit the ground behind him, missing his head completely. Rodeo then runs towards the Urias, who tries to grab him, but Rodeo slides between his legs and climbs up his back,  grabbing the hair on the back of his head as the Urias tried to shake him off of him and tries to grab him as well but couldn't since Rodeo isn't letting go nor is he allowing him on giving a chance to grab him easily.

Rodeo then began punching the back of his head multiple times, kneed him, and then jumped in the air and elbow dropped the back of his head, which was enough to compel the Urias to bend down on the ground on one knee and grasp his head in anguish, which was beginning to bleed a little.

Removing the hammer's handle, Rodeo impaled it to the ground, which the Urias had hurled at him a second ago, before swinging it on its face in various angles and hitting him continuously. 

Deciding to switch the angle, Rodeo whacked the left side of his face with the handle before swinging it upward and hitting his chin before he swinging it downward, only for the Urias to grasp the handle before it could strike his head and glare menacingly at Rodeo with a badly battered up face. 


"Um... Can we talk about this?"


Clenching his fist tightly, the Urias delivers a powerful punch to his chest, sending him flying across the entire village and crashing into a house through a window. Fortunately, no one was wounded because the owners were hidden in a basement. 

Rodeo stood up and grunted in pain, "Thanks for telling me dude, can't believe he spoke though." 

Heading to the door to leave the house, once Rodeo opens it, he was then immediately grabbed by the throat and dragged outdoors, where he was lifted up by none other than Lady Alcina Dimitrescu. 

"I saw my daughters and they were hurt, because of you." She said to Rodeo, with deadly glare and an enraged tone.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just trying to survive and get out of here so I can find my way home."

Alcina brings out her claw from her hand, razor-sharp claws the size of swords that might cut through even steel.

"Like that will ever happen, you damn feline."

"Oh, it will, mommy 😏"

Feeling he is smirking through his stoic expression, Alcina's expression twisted and turns ugly, and proceeds to end him with her claws. However, before she could stab his head, Rodeo grabs it and headbutts her head, causing her to release him and fall to the ground. 

"Just let me leave be, lady!"

"No! I will cut you down!" Alcina roars as she swung her claws down that split the air apart, but Rodeo moves to the left and dodges it, grabbing a nearby shovel and whacking her head with it as he jumped towards her before punching her in the face and following it up with a flying scissor kick, then flipped kicked her to get a good distance away.

"You can't kill me, cat!"

Panting over in the distance, Rodeo already knew she was practically unkillable without the poison-laced dagger, so she wasn't wrong. 

His thoughts were interrupted as dozens of pieces of sharp scrap metal came flying at him, but he punched them away from himself and blew them apart. He peered up to see Karl Heisenberg standing on a floating metal sheet, surrounding by other pieces of metal and other metallic objects floating around him. 

"How's it going, bitch?" Karl asks Alcina with a smug look.

"He's mine, Heisenberg." Alcina angrily hiss at him, "Don't interfere!"

"Shut your damn trap, ma'am!"

Then Rodeo interferes their argument 

"Hey magneto. Catch!"

Bringing out a small object, Rodeo threw it towards Karl, but he stopped the strange object one meter from his face in mid-air, thanks to his magnetic power.

"The hell is this?"

"A toy tank."

"A toy?" Karl raises a brow and examines the object, which turns out to be Sheer Heart Attack.


"What the fu-"


Before he could finish his sentence, Sheer Heart Attack immediately exploded in a massive explosion.

Not far from Rodeo's location, a woman in a European dress and mourning veil holding a Doll could be seen. Soon after, she, or rather, they, noticed an explosion erupted in the distance, and the two exchanged glances for a moment before moving towards the commotion.

Next chapter