
Fight, Run, or Die(7)

– Site-17 - 10:57 AM –

In the midst of the aftermath of a battle, Amelia and Molly stood panting heavily while their Stands, Locked Away and Bad Moon Rising, stood sentry beside them. The hallway stretched before them, littered with dead Super Soldats and wrecked Panzerhunds. One of the Panzerhund started to slowly get up, only for Bad Moon Rising to smash its head with a decisive blow, leaving it inert once more.

"These robots are endless," Molly remarked, her voice strained from exertion.

Amelia nodded in agreement, her own breath ragged. "Indeed, a relentless onslaught."


Their exchange was interrupted by a familiar voice echoing down the corridor.

Turning around to look down the hallway, they beheld Iris and Lucy approaching with concern etched upon their faces.

"Are you two alright?" Iris asked, her eyes scanning for signs of injury.

"Yes, just trying to catch our breaths," Molly replied, her tone weary as she attempted to regain her composure.

Lucy's gaze swept over the fallen Super Soldats and disabled Panzerhunds littering the floor. "I can see why. Where are Miranda, Donna, and Angie?" she asked.

Iris asked, her brow furrowed with concern. "The Reich's here, and all the containment cells have been breached. We know one of those cells belong to some dangerous Euclid and Keter-class SCPs, and we can't risk going for the exit on the surface given they might have robots posted there."

Amelia weighed their options carefully before speaking. "Evacuation seems to be our only viable option. If the Mobile Task Force has already relocated the remaining SCPs to the tram station, then that's where we should head."

"Wait, we have a tram station?" Iris interjected, surprise coloring her tone.

"Yes, the Foundation constructed it on the 13th floor of the site. It's strictly off-limits except for maintenance personnel and reserve it for scenarios where we can no longer contain the site and its SCPs," Amelia explained. "We've never had to use it before since we always manage to contain anomalies easily. But given the gravity of the situation we are in, we just might have to."

"But what about Miranda and the others?" Molly pressed, her concern evident in her voice.

"We'll have to find them. And where are Dr. Clef and Bright?" Iris questioned.

"Tram station or possibly still on one of the floors of the site," Lucy replied, her tone reflective of the urgency of their situation.

Molly sighed heavily, a sense of foreboding settling over her. "Looks like this is going to be a long day, isn't it?"

Iris's response was resolute. "Oh it will, but we must press on. Our priority is to find them and make our escape."

With their resolve steeled, they set out, not knowing the silent observer lurking within the vents, watching their every move.

Then they move out, not knowing someone was inside the vents and seeing them leave.

"I'll get the blonde one in the lab coat memory disc, seeing the CI soldiers memory disks mentioned she knew very well of the foundation but with that knowledge I might get a clue on the skeletal bone of Dio." The person, who turned out to be Whitesnake said, his voice barely audible amidst the ductwork as he continued to crawl down the vents and follow closely behind them..

"I'll let Kraft Work get the jump on them for me while Jumping Jack Flash gets a hold of Clef or Bright. Their memories could be worth something."


– 6th floor , Site-17 - 10:58 AM –

Mommy Long Legs walked down the dimly lit corridor while cradling Abby in her arms as she searched for a safe zone to keep Abby in until her job with Revenant was done in order to not put her in harm's way.

":3 Are we there yet?" Abby's innocent voice broke the silence, filled with anticipation.

"No little one, not yet," Mommy replied tenderly, her maternal instincts guiding her every step. As they continued their journey, Mommy's keen eyes caught sight of a sturdy metal door bearing the inscription "Safe Zone."

"Ooh, this might be it,"

With a deft swipe of the key card she had stolen from a researcher, Mommy opened the door, only to be greeted by an unexpected sight. Dr. Bright, adorned in his unmistakable lab coat, stood on a makeshift stage, belting out the lyrics of a familiar... memeable music.

"🎶Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Never gonna run around! And deserve you!🎶" his voice echoed through the chamber, filling the space with an odd mixture of amusement and confusion.

"Oookay..." Mommy muttered under her breath, exchanging a bewildered glance with Abby before gently closing the door behind them.

Abby, ever the optimist, chimed in, "Nice music though."

Mommy Long Legs, growing increasingly frustrated with the bizarre encounters behind each "Safe Zone" door, approached yet another promising entrance. With a mixture of skepticism and hope, she pushed it open, only to be met with another unexpected sight: the enigmatic figure known as the meme man.

"We're all pawns powered by something greater. Memes! The DNA of the soul," the meme man declared, his voice carrying an air of profound revelation.

Mommy's response was swift and to the point. "Don't care," she retorted bluntly, slamming the door shut behind her.

Abby, unfazed by the encounter, offered a lighthearted observation. "I don't know what a meme is, but it sounds funny," she remarked with a playful smile.

Determined to find a genuine sanctuary for Abby, Mommy approached yet another door marked "Safe Zone." This time, however, the scene that greeted them was one of serene beauty—a picturesque grassland bathed in sunlight, with the gentle melody of birdsong filling the air.

Mommy couldn't help but smile at the tranquility before her. "This is nice," she murmured, taking in the peaceful surroundings. "Peaceful grasslands, birds chirping, flowers everywhere, and..."

Her words trailed off as Abby pointed out something unexpected. "A man running towards us?"

"Yeah-" Mommy paused, feeling perplexed before her smile faded. "Wait, what?" she exclaimed, her senses suddenly on high alert.

In the distance, a figure resembling Senator Armstrong could be seen charging straight towards them through the tranquil grassland.


"Oh, gosh!" Mommy Long Legs exclaimed in panic as she hastily shut the door behind her, much to her relief.

"Phew~!" she sighed, grateful for the temporary reprieve.


Hearing the familiar sound of the mechanical voice, Mommy Long Legs instinctively shielded Abby behind her, her protective instincts kicking into high gear as Revenant from Apex Legends approached Mommy Long Legs while Abby remained completely hidden behind her back.

"What the hell are you doing?" Revenant sternly asked her, his golden eyes narrowing in suspicion.

":3 Exploring~" Mommy replied nonchalantly, though a hint of nervousness lingered beneath her facade.

"Uh-huh. Follow me," Revenant commanded, his patience wearing thin. "I might have found the server room. And please, try to keep up instead of lagging behind."

"Why so mean? I thought we were friends," Mommy Long Legs pouted, her disappointment evident in her voice.

"We're just partners. Nothing else... bug," Revenant retorted brusquely, his words laced with disdain.

Mommy grumbled under her breath, a tinge of hurt coloring her expression. "Noted."

With a resigned sigh, Mommy followed Revenant as he forged ahead, Abby still concealed safely behind her back.

"Do you think the cat and his mutant friends Forsaken had been blabbering about might still be alive in this... conflict?" Mommy Long Legs ventured, her curiosity tinged with concern.

Revenant responded coldly. "Don't know, don't care. We do our job. They do theirs. Simple as that."

Mommy Long Legs nodded, her expression somber. "Yeah, I understand."


– London, England, Europe - 2:36 PM –

~ Elden Ring OST - Godrick the Grafted ~

"Bow before me!"

"No fuck off!"

In his majestic form, Godrick swung his gleaming golden axe at Karl, who met the attack head-on with a swing of his hammer. The clash of their weapons echoed through the air, a testament to the intensity of their confrontation.

"I will make you kneel!" Godrick proclaimed, his voice tinged with fury.

Karl smirked in response. "How 'bout a no?"

With a focused exertion of his magnetic powers, he lifted several rebar from the surrounding area and hurled them at Godrick's back, piercing his divine form and eliciting a roar of pain.


With a grin of satisfaction, Karl tightened his grip on his hammer and delivered a powerful blow to Godrick's chin, sending a rebar flying towards his face which pierced his head, making this battle an easy victory.

"Easy peasy! Lemon squi-" Karl's triumphant declaration was abruptly cut short as he received a sudden left uppercut to his chest from the still-moving Godrick. Gasping for air and coughing up his own blood, Karl was sent flying through the air and crashed violently onto the roof of a nearby building.

"Me and my big mouth," Karl remarked with a groan, his voice strained with pain. Slowly rising to his feet, he watched as Godrick landed on the same rooftop, defiant and undeterred, removing the rebar from his head with an ominous determination.

"Only thee lowly tarnished, guided by the golden grace of the Erdtree, can beckon me death and the black blade!" Godrick's voice boomed with divine authority, his words echoing with ominous power.

"Don't care," Karl replied bluntly, his tone unwavering as he raised his hand, causing the surrounding metal to tremble slightly in response to his magnetic control.

With a disdainful snort, Godrick conjured a swirling vortex of wind around himself, wielding his axe with formidable skill. He unleashed a barrage of swirling wind blasts towards Karl, who swiftly erected a wrecked car as a makeshift barrier. The winds crashed into the car, shattering it into pieces.

Leaping over to Karl with impressive agility, Godrick slams his axe down. Karl agilely evaded the initial strike with a backward flip, but Godrick swiftly switched his grip, delivering a vertical slash with his left hand. The blow caught Karl off guard, leaving a deep gash across his chest as he staggered back, unable to react in time to the unexpected maneuver since he assumed he would do some right handed weapon move but the hand switch was completely unexpected.

"Damn it," Karl grunted through gritted teeth, clutching his bleeding chest as pain surged through him.

Before he could fully recover, Godrick seized Karl by the face and mercilessly slammed him into the tiled flooring of the rooftop, the impact sending fractures rippling through the surface. With a forceful motion, he hurled Karl back into the streets below, the ground shaking upon impact.

As Godrick descended to the street level, Karl rose to his feet, his anger fueling his determination. With a furious roar, he grabbed a nearby bus and hurled it at Godrick, only to witness the demigod effortlessly slice the vehicle in two before it could reach him.

Annoyed by Karl's persistence, Godrick charged forward, slamming his axe head into the ground with tremendous force. The impact created a powerful AOE(Area of effect) shockwave that rippled through the earth, sending Karl hurtling backwards until he collided with a distant wall.

"First wind, now the ground? What's next, fire?" Karl muttered incredulously, his frustration mounting as he struggled to regain his footing.

As Godrick closed in on him, Karl acted swiftly, utilizing his magnetic powers to propel a lamppost towards the demigod. The projectile struck Godrick dead center in the chest, momentarily stunning him and providing Karl with a brief respite. Seizing the opportunity, Karl vaulted over Godrick's imposing form, bringing his hammer crashing down upon the demigod's skull, drawing blood with the impact.

However, Godrick, with his multiple arms, swiftly intercepted Karl's subsequent hammer swing, his grip unyielding as he halted the attack mid-motion.

Godrick's laughter echoed through the air as he relished in his dominance. "You may indeed be worthy of thy grafting," he said cryptically in response to Karl's baffled query.


Before Karl could decipher the meaning behind Godrick's words, the demigod delivered a brutal punch to his face, followed by seizing him by the throat and slamming him forcefully into the ground. With ruthless fervor, Godrick relentlessly brought his axe head crashing down upon Karl's chest, each strike accompanied by maniacal laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU WILL KNEEL BEFORE THE LORD OF ALL THAT IS GOLDEN!" Godrick proclaimed triumphantly, the ground beneath Karl quaking with each ferocious blow.

However, Karl, drawing upon the sheer extent of his mental strength, suddenly halted the attack by manipulating the metal components within Godrick's axe with his magnetism. The weapon froze in mid-air, thwarting Godrick's attacks as he struggled in vain to move his now immobile weapon.

"What sorcery is this?" Godrick demanded, his expression twisted in confusion and frustration.

Coughing up blood, Karl mustered a weak smirk. "Magnetic force, you old geezer,"

With a swift and calculated move, Karl wrested the axe from Godrick's grasp, delivering a powerful blow to the demigod's chest with his own weapon. Godrick staggered back, coughing up blood as the force of the impact sent him hurtling through the air and crashed through multiple buildings until he slammed into the door of a nearby store.

"Magnetic force, he say?" Godrick muttered incredulously as he rose to his feet and removed his axe from his wounded chest. "Does not matter. He will kno-"

Before Godrick could finish his sentence, he was suddenly bombarded by a barrage of cars, both wrecked and in perfect condition, propelled at him with ferocious speed by Karl's magnetic powers. The vehicles crashed into the demigod, piling up upon him until he was completely buried beneath the twisted metal.

"Now to ruin your day," Karl declared with a chilling grin, his eyes glinting with malice as he seized control of an entire oil tanker truck. With a flick of his wrist, he launched the massive vehicle towards the pile of cars covering Godrick.

The tanker struck its target with devastating force, triggering a catastrophic explosion that engulfed the area in flames, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.

~ Music Pauses ~

"That was easy." Karl remarked as he dusted his hands and smiled.

But at that moment, a sudden burst of swirling wind burst from within the flames, extinguishing them all in an instant. Through the dissipating smoke and ash emerged an alive but somewhat burned Godrick.

"You are powerful," Godrick acknowledged, his voice strained as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Of course I am, BECAUSE I'M FUCKING MAGNETO!" Karl declared proudly, a smirk playing on his lips. "I may not be able to kill you, but I can still trash you with these powers my mom give me. Unless, of course, you have some tricks up your sleeve besides wind, earth, and swinging that axe. So please, by all means... surprise me."

Godrick's smirk widened, "Very well."

Raising his axe, Godrick used it to strike his own arm, embedding the sharp edge into it with a primal scream of agony.


"The hell are you doing?!" Karl exclaimed, utterly bewildered by Godrick's actions.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHGRAAAHHHH!!" Godrick's anguished cry reverberated through the air, sending shivers down Karl's spine.

With one final, gut-wrenching cry, Godrick brought his axe down with devastating force, severing his entire arm with a sickening crunch. As the appendage fell to the ground, the demigod turned towards a dark aether portal that materialized next to him, its ominous energy pulsating with otherworldly power. With a heavy pant, Godrick wasted no time, leaping into the portal before it sealed shut behind him.

"Well, I guess he didn't need a hand after all," Karl quipped, a smirk tugging at his lips as he glanced towards you, the readers. "Get it?"

His attempt at humor was met only with the chirping of crickets and a deafening silence.

Letting out a disappointed sigh, Karl stroked his chin and began to wonder.

"...Wonder where he went though?"


– Stormveil Castle, Limgrave, The Lands Between, Elden Ring Universe - 1:00 PM –

The two Reich soldiers, along with the Banished Knight, stood in silent awe as they gazed upon the colossal corpse of a dragon sprawled before them on top of a towering pillar.

"So, knight, why exactly are we staring at this corpse?" asked one of the Reich soldiers, breaking the silence.

"Thou hast no clue," the Banished Knight responded cryptically, his tone laced with reverence.

Suddenly, a portal materialized before them, and from its depths emerged Godrick, visibly wounded yet resolute.

"Lord Godrick!" the Banished Knight exclaimed, immediately dropping to his knees in deference.

"Herr Godrick?! What brings you here?" the Reich soldier asked, his curiosity piqued.

Ignoring his question, even his own loyal knight, Godrick fixed his gaze upon the dragon's lifeless body and reached out to touch it gently.

"Oh, truest of dragons... lend me thy strength," he murmured solemnly.

With a surge of determination, Godrick raised his injured arm and forcefully plunged it into the dragon's neck. With a mighty exertion of strength, he ripped the head from the creature's body, and to the astonishment of all present, the dragon's severed head seamlessly melded with Godrick's arm, becoming his new appendage.

A triumphant grin adorned Godrick's face as he leaped back into the portal, which closed behind him with an ominous finality.

Witnessing this incredible display, one of the Reich soldiers turned to the Banished Knight, his expression a mix of awe and bewilderment.

"Knight, what did we just witness?" he inquired, seeking understanding.

The Banished Knight's smile held a hint of knowing wisdom as he replied, "The power of Grafting."


Back with Karl, he was casually walking down the streets humming a little song he knows until his carefree demeanor abruptly shattered by the sudden appearance of a portal in the distance. Through its swirling depths emerged Godrick, his left arm now replaced by the fearsome visage of a dragon's head.

"What the hell? Did you attach a dragon head for an arm?" Karl exclaimed in disbelief, his eyes widening in astonishment.

To Karl's utter shock, the dragon head suddenly stirred, coughing out a gout of blood before emitting a low, rumbling roar as it began to move, now fully alive and animated.

"Anddd it's alive," Karl muttered under his breath, his incredulity growing by the second.

"FOREFATHERS ONE AND ALL..." Godrick's voice boomed, commanding attention as he raised the dragon head skyward.

With a mighty roar, the dragon head unleashed a colossal pillar of fire into the heavens, its flames illuminating the sky with a blazing intensity.

"...BEAR WITNESS!" Godrick declared triumphantly, his words resonating with power and authority as he reveled in the awe-inspiring spectacle before Heisenberg.


"Yup, he's lost it."

~ Music Resumes at 01:55 ~

Godrick aimed the dragon head directly at Karl, unleashing a searing torrent of flames in his direction. Reacting swiftly, Karl seized a nearby car, using it as a makeshift shield against the onslaught of fire. But before he could fully brace himself, Godrick launched a massive fireball from the dragon head, engulfing the car in a fiery explosion that sent both Karl and the burnt car hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby wall with a resounding thud.

"Damn, it's a literal flamethrower and bazooka. Lovely," Karl muttered through gritted teeth, wincing in pain as he struggled to rise to his feet amidst the wreckage.

Upon standing from his feet, Karl mustered his strength and hurled more cars at Godrick, but the demigod deftly intercepted them with his swinging axe, swatting them away with ease before countered with a barrage of fireballs at Karl, who darted and weaved through the streets, narrowly avoiding the magical attacks.

Suddenly, Godrick conjured another swirling vortex of wind, but this time it was engulfed in flames as he blast the flaming tornado everywhere which ignited all the surrounding buildings in the area into flames. At the same time, a towering wall of flame erupted before Karl, blocking his escape route and trapping him amidst the inferno.

"Oh, come on!" Karl exclaimed in frustration as he turned to face the advancing Godrick, who charged at him with relentless determination. With lightning reflexes, Karl ducked beneath the swinging arc of Godrick's axe, narrowly avoiding the deadly blade. However, his respite was short-lived as he spotted the dragon head lunging towards him, its jaws poised to ensnare him.

Reacting swiftly, Karl swung his hammer with all his might, connecting squarely with the dragon's face and halting its advance with a resounding thud. But before he could fully recover, Godrick slammed his axe into the ground, unleashing another powerful AOE shockwave that sent Karl flying through the air and crashed into a nearby lamppost with bone-jarring force.

Seizing the opportunity, the dragon head seized Karl by the legs with its powerful jaws and slammed him mercilessly into a nearby wall then into the ground, each impact sending waves of agony coursing through Karl's body. With a final brutal toss, Karl was sent hurtling into the air, where he found himself squarely in the path of Godrick's swirling fire wind blast.

With a thunderous impact, the blast struck Karl dead center in the chest, engulfing him in searing flames. As he crashed back to the ground, a scorch mark marred his chest, his body battered and bruised. Through blurred vision, Karl lifted his head slightly, only to be met by the sight of Godrick standing before him, the dragon head aimed menacingly at his face, the raging inferno of the burning streets surrounding them casting an eerie glow upon the scene.

"Any words left thee to speak?" Godrick asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Just one... Checkmate," Karl retorted with a smirk.

Godrick's confusion deepened. "Hm?"

In that moment, an array of metal pieces from their surroundings began to coil and twist around Godrick's dragon head and his body, ensnaring him in a web of metallic bonds.

"What is this?!" Godrick exclaimed, his movements restricted by the encroaching metal.

Rising to his feet with a confident smirk, Karl explained, "If I can't kill you, then I'm tying you up like a metal birthday present."

As the metal continued to wrap around Godrick's form, layer upon layer numbering a thousand encasing him until he was completely immobilized, save for his head.

~ Music Ends ~

Godrick strained against the metallic bonds that ensnared him, his efforts to break free met with frustration as the layers of metal proved formidable obstacles even for his demigod strength.

"Free me from this, mortal!!" Godrick demanded, his voice muffled by the metallic encasement.

":/ ..... :3 No~" Karl responded nonchalantly, his expression betraying a hint of amusement as he added another thousand layers of metal to cover Godrick's head with a simple wave of his index and middle finger, effectively silencing him.

With a deft motion, Karl lifted the metal-wrapped Godrick and carried him along, intending to deliver him to the Foundation for containment.

"He hits hard, but I feel like he ain't the strongest," Karl mused to himself, his thoughts reflecting on the encounter.

He wasn't wrong though. Godrick was the weakest of the demigods in Elden Ring and despite his devastating magical abilities, the dragon's head, and cannot be killed without a grace guided tarnished, he's nowhere close to match Karl's strategic advantage with his magnetic powers to keep Godrick at bay and had proved decisive in their confrontation.

As he made his way towards his destination, Karl couldn't help but wonder about the fate his sister might encounter.

"Wonder if that tall bitch is doing any better."

Next chapter