
First day

"Kim Jonghyun, the member of Shinee,passed away",the news are running in the T.V.

The two girls are in the KFC and some girls here started crying and were immersed in their phones.

"Depression killed one more idol singer...Kim Jonghyun.....",the news were running on.

"Kim Jonghyun? I've heard his name many times. He has a successful career, doesn't he? Why'd he kill himself?", Hani spoke in a surprised tone.

"Why won't he? He's having depression,from the source of information", Yuna tried to argue with her.

"There are many people in this world with more problems than him.. Is death a solution? ", Hani asked.

"You don't have idea of what depression patients are going through", Yuna smiled weakly.

"So... You know what they are going through?Can you enlight me? ", Hani laughed.

"Okay, Let's play something. I will act as a depressed girl for a week. If you get tired of me, you lose. Deal?"

"Deal", and they were called by the counter for the food.

Next day...

"Good morning!", Hani greeted Yuna at the entrance of the classroom.

"What's good in this morning?", Yuna sighed.

"What happened?", Worry rang in Hani's voice.

"Routine classes",Yuna again sighed, again.

"Hey! Today's your favourite subject,maths on your first period!", Hani tried to cheer her.

"Heol, don't even remind me. I have to finish the project",Yuna whined.

"But we have a lot of time for submission!",Hani was surprised for the change in her behaviour.

Yuna has a bubbly personality.. Why is she acting like this?

Yes, yesterday's game! Is she serious about the game? Hani thought.

"But I hate that there is a submission!", Yuna scrunched her nose.

"How about finishing the project beforehand so that you won't sulk like this?", Hani spoke with a cute voice and Yuna scrunched her face in disgust.

"Yah! Don't do it..it will haunt me in my dreams!", Yuna shouted as if she mean it.

"Ahem... Can you give me some way?", Mr.Song, their maths teacher, spoke from behind, startling them. .

"Sorry sir..",they both walked to the class.

Hani thought that she have to prove her that any depression can't surpass friendship.

"Shall we finish our project in the garden after this period?", Hani whispered .

"okay", Yuna sighed.

Garden in our school is Yuna's favourite place, Hani smiled to herself.

She thought that she could make her mood better..

After the period, they carried their books and stuff to the garden.

"Whoa! What a beautiful place!", Hani shouted and smiled.

Yuna scoffed," Yes,the beauty of parting flower from it's mother plant",she pointed out a girl who's plucking the rose from it's plant.

"Mr.Min!", Hani called gardener loudly,"Someone is plucking the rose from the plant!"

The girl cursed and started running.

"Who's that!", Mr.Min started chasing her...

Hani laughed at the scene.

Yuna just sighed and opened the laptop..

"Let's just finish the project",she spoke and they finished the project in silence.

The school ended for the day and they bidded goodbyes.

Hani is now on the way to home.

What should she do to make her feel better? She thought.

Next chapter