
chapter 2

*2 hours*

Holy shit how long is it gonna take for this stupid god to get here. I wanna go home damn it, but I don't think that's possible without his help. I think I might really go crazy in here if I don't leave.

Lucky I didn't need to wait any longer because right as I was thinking of going insane the one who put me in here showed up.

"Sorry sorry, I didn't know how quick 1 month goes by. But I see you made it, so congrats on that and thank you for helping me win a babysitter."

"Yes! Finally you're here, ok take me home pronto mr. God dude cause I think I'm gonna go crazy if I stay a second longer."

"Oh so…. About that, ya sorry but your apartment kinda got destroyed when I brought you here. Can't really go back to something that's not there right, hehe."

"What the hell man! That cost me a lot of money just to live there, do you know how many hours I had to work just to afford rent?"

"Ya so instead of sending you back home, I'm gonna be sending you to a new earth, with some perks or your choosing of course."

Wait, a new earth? does that mean what I think it means. If it does then I can choose a place where I don't need to pay taxes, rent or work. Where adventure and travel are all I do and nothing can stop me from enjoying it.

But If it comes with perks, I might be able to squeeze in a way to go to multiple world, if I get bored of the first one.

That just leave the other perks to decide on, and I can't just ask for a one time use perk it needs to be long lasting in case something happens to me.

"Ok, I accept your generous offer with open arms mister god sir, but how many perks am I allowed? And is there a limit to how good they can be?"

"You're very welcome, but nah not really a limit on the type of power just nothing to OP cause I can't just give you god powers. But you only get 3 cause that IS a rule unfortunately."

So only 3 powers and nothing OP, I guess I can work with that. It'll be kinda hard cause I don't know what his definition of over powered is but I can work around it.

So the first ones definitely a system store with a world travel, don't know if that would count as 2 but whatever I can probably bullshit my way into getting it cause it would seem that the bet was for a date night with the wife.

Second…. Hmmm, I think I'd have to go with instant mastery cause I don't feel like trying to study things if I want to learn them. And maybe for the third I can get deadpool regeneration cause it would suck if I died before experiencing everything this universe has to offer.

"Ok I have it, 1st I want a system store that has multiverse travel, second I'd like instant mastery, and the last one I want deadpools regeneration. Is that good?"

"Well? It's doable but I'd need to make some changes, the store will work on world missions and Money doesn't matter what kind as long as you can buy things with it. The instant mastery one though won't work sorry, but I can give you unlimited potential it's similar but not the same thing cause that type of skill would be close to if not already a god-tier one."

"Awesome, sucks about the second wish though feels kind like bullshit but it's whatever. Thank you very much, so what world are you sending me to?"

Man I hope it's a fun one! Cant wait to go make friends and explore life with them. Now that I think about it it kinda sucks not having friend after high school.

Working all the time never really gave me and time to hang out with anyone. But not anymore I don't need to worry about that anymore.

" ah well, that's tricky cause I don't have a say really it's mostly based on what you watch last before you got sent here. Do you remember what that was?"

"Well not really, but I don't think it was anything boring, I just remember that it was a new series that just came on with a sheriff on a horse."

Cant be that bad right? I mean I remember getting mad not being able to finished the episode so it can't be bad. But I don't remember how it went before I was thrown into this bet between gods.

"Ah that's ok, shouldn't be too bad. Well off you go and I wish you good luck."

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