5 Just Play the game #2

"—I'm sorry about all this little Alice, I hope you survive for a second time, I'll be watching but unfortunately I can't protect you."

Alistar had been lying on the ground of cold earth covered with flowers for some time, remembering the words of that piece of bad road. He tried to get up and get out of there but he was having difficulty, how was it possible that he couldn't get up? indeed Allistar would not be up from there so soon without help. He kept trying to get up but again in vain, he threw his body backwards making his back hit the cold ground crushing some flowers in the process, closed his eyes and he stayed there for a while until he finally managed to get up, his legs were still weak. he held him upright, all he could do was take two or three steps before being held by thin, fragile arms that could barely support him but it was enough to regain his balance.

— young man, are you all right? - asked the little girl with blue hair and a pastel green dress, her eyes were bluish green and her white sandals were now covered with dirt and mud as well as the hem of her dress.

"Yes," Alistar replied, leaning against the tree in his failed attempt to get up, that was obviously the most blatant lie the young man had ever told in his life! He felt dizzy and also a little groggy, but he soon passed and regained his strength.

- That's good! - the young woman replied with a sweet smile but soon it disappeared - Vanessa no!

Too late the brunette was on the ground again before he could even understand what had happened, he had taken a blow to the head and his last vision was the small white flowers below his feet, when he woke up he was leaning against the tree and there was a woman beside him. girl imagined that whoever the girl had called earlier, Vanessa, looked up again she could see the treetops and strange little animals flying over them, one of them was descending quickly towards her, it was a silver colored dragon with yellow eyes he Carrying her backpack, Alistar sat up quickly only to have the dragon drop the backpack in her face.

- Why!? - He placed his hands over his now aching face.

- I returned! - Said a man with long dark blue hair and simple clothes who carried a large bag full of food.

- Leave me! Leave me! - a squeaky voice said, it was a mouse and the young man with blue hair held him by the tail while he struggled in the failed attempt to free himself.

Alistar, who watched everything from afar, remained silent, concentrating on rummaging through his backpack full of supplies for weeks that he didn't even know how he had ended up inside his backpack but had an idea who could have fixed it for him and just thinking about it made him feel like a cloud, but something took him away from him there… that boy's words echoed in his ears.

"Fulfill your part of the bargain I know your race is incapable of lying so it will answer all our questions!" - the blue one complained in an irritated tone why that tone of voice was a mystery to Allistar but he felt something familiar in the boy.

— All right, all right, I'll answer! - The mouse exclaimed in the same tone as the boy - But I don't guarantee that the answer will be what you want.

- right!? Err... - hearing that, the young girl with blue green eyes thought before facing the small creature and asking her question. - where are we?

— right here now where else would we be? At the bottom of the ocean? - the mouse was angry, very angry even after all it was no wonder he was hanging by the tail and that hurt a lot.

"That's not the answer we wanted!" Vanessa almost screamed angrily at the rat's answer, she was even without patience for that kind of answer. - Tell us at once where we are!

— it's not my fault if your question is vague, what do you really want to know the name of the country or the city? Or the planet, the dimension? Seriously, be more specific I don't read minds! he yelled in his squeaky voice, losing the last of his breath.

"We're in Naipeeland," Alistar said, butting in, "you should stop holding her like that, and it hurts and makes the blood rush to your head and interferes with your breathing." - he said, taking the little mouse from the bluish one and holding it correctly. - best? - Asked the little creature.

"Yes, thank you," she said, catching her breath, "what do you want to know?"

— city, country, street... - Enlist replied thinking a little as he couldn't ask vague questions - anything that would help us to locate ourselves.

— We are on the border of The Blood Region and Clubs. - it was something.

— what is this rat? - Said the angry dark-skinned woman.

"Your passport is your only way to get in and out of here, but there's little magic to get you but you have to play," he muttered.

— what kind of games? - It was the little girl's turn to ask.

"It will depend on the suit and the number," he replied simplistic.

- like this?

— the nipe is the style of play and the number is the level — A woman in jaguar fur and a smiling mask approached them. - Hi Alices! - the woman declaimed, scaring the young people who hadn't seen her there.

"I wish you luck you'll need it," the mouse said, running into the house. - sane where to find me Darius!

— ready for the game Dear Alices?
