

Coming to, I realised that I surely couldn't be here. I was dead, I was sure of that much.

Looking around and realised that I was spread-eagle. I sit up and look around again. The room is white. Walls, floor, everything. Standing up, what appears to be a door materialises. A man walks through.

"Where am I?" I ask him.

The man looks at me and smiles, "Dead."

"I think I knew that already," I say to him the man merely smiles. "So why am I here then?"

"Because you are required."

"I'm sorry, what? Cant I have a moment of bloody peace?" I ask causticly.

"You have. You have been dead 2000 years, well in your earth's time. As Shakespeare would have said 'once more unto the breach!'. "

"Right, fuck off, I've had just about enough of your rabbiting. If I'm going, get me bloody well gone."

"Right Ho!"

"Fuck off."

And my surroundings disappeared.


I come to lie in a pool of what I fear is blood. I am surrounded by bodies, dismembered, and built haphazardly into piles. Walls of fire surround me, all apart from one route out which is quickly closing.

Thankfully this body appears to be fit. Well, as far as reasonable, as I have a bloody hole in my gut, but I don't seem to have any blood left to bleed. So the wanker was speaking truthfully.

[I'd appreciate if you didn't think of me that way.] A voice in my head says.

"I thought I had gotten rid of you," I respond.

[you didn't, but here you go.

mission: don't die.

rewards: you don't die.

fail: you die.]

I curse and begin to run.

As I reach and pass the flames, the cool air surrounds me. I collapse to the ground, out of breath. as I lay on my back breathing deeply, people started to approach me. At first, they all stayed at a reasonable distance but soon started to get closer and closer. A woman approached the crowd. She was wearing a white robe-like affair, with a blue cloak and flowing dark hair. she had brown eyes and thin lips.

(essentially this, - breastplate and cowl: https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/684265737112106069/)

The crowd quickly dispersed, and the woman knelt down and pulled apart the clothing around the wound. A fresh pool of crusting blood comes into view, and the woman takes out a gourd to wash away the blood. As she does so, what comes into view is an extremely deep hole, puncturing guts and other such delights. She looks up at me and says "How are you not dead?"

I smile, "I have no idea."

[mission: convince her that you are alive.

rewards: fully healed

fail: death.]

"Well, this is just great..."

"What do you mean?" She asks suspiciously.

"Can you check that I'm alive?"


"Would you mind doing it?"


She reaches up towards my neck and presses her fingers to it. Her face changes almost imperceptibly, but she looks at me and says: "You are definitely alive." Something dings, And the hole in my side starts to grow at a visible rate. The woman eyes widen and she pulls out a knife. "What the fuck is going on?". Great. She's even more suspicious now.

I look around, and seeing no one is close, grab her knife hand and twist it,whilst grabbing her mouth.

"mmh mhh mmm!" she tries to scream. she drops her knife and I grab it, lock her arm and hold the knife to her throat.

"Are you willing to be reasonable?" I ask. She gives me a dirty look, before speaking.

"Demon." She spits.

"Thank you. Anyway, where am I, what year is it, and what the fuck is going on?"

She stares at me. "You really are a demon."

"We're getting nowhere. I'm going to leave you here and walk off. If you make a noise, I will kill you. Understand?"

She nods, and I let go of her arm, and start to slowly walk away.


As I walk away, I realise that there is a convenient Forrest right next to me.

[Don't go in the forest.]

"What do you mean?"

[ exactly what I said. Don't go in the forest.]


[You don't need to know. Keep in walking, and I suggest you download in the army tour trying to run away from.]

"Two questions, one, surely the woman will stop me? And two, I have no interest in being a soldier."

[Ok, then I have two answers. The woman won't stop you, precisely because Tunis you are a demon, and 2, I don't care what you have interest in. To survive you must fight, and to have a small amount of protection from an army is obviously good. Look I'll just make a mission, ok?

Mission: join the army of North tower.

Rewards: Access to the stats page.

Fail: death]