
Why are you so happy?

I own a small bakery in the middle of a small town in anerica. Now I'm not the best baker ever but I'm not the worst. plus you don't need to be good to like it. I think the bakery is popular enough to say that it can go on for another five years, but lately some trouble has been going on. Employees have been quitting and some customers have stopped coming. There are only a few employees now. Ginger, the cashier. she only stays because she's pretty much my best friend. Samuel, her boyfriend, which only stays because of ginger, and Ellen who works hard in the kitchen to get paid. I often sympathize with her and give her some money every once in a while because she needs to pay for her poor family. So what do you do now when you don't have any employees left? You let it be and pray someone applies for the job. Well, let's hope tommorow is better. Good night.

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Another day in the bakery. Only a few customers have came but that's okay. Ginger and Samuel are on a date so I have to cover up for them. However, there was one person I found interesting. A man who asked for a cake and a milkshake. He said that the cake was for him and his sister. Shortly after, I noticed I small sleeping girl on his shoulder. He told me it was her birthday and that he needed to surprise her. He was a man about 6'5 and had a gentle voice. He wore glasses and a light brown jacket that I found cool and comfortable. It was also adorable that he was carrying the small girl making sure she's not waking up. Skip to the kitchen where Ellen and me are making the cake. I put Ingredients such as flour, sugar, eggs, etc, as Ellen decorates the cake with frosting. She drew a bunny in yellow frosting and adds strawberries to cake. I smile as I give the man the cake. His sister was still sleeping on his shoulder and I give a more sweeter smile to the girl. The man gives me a quick stare before he smiles back. And that ends our day. I hope I get to see that guy more often. I hope. Good night.


"Im going to work hard today to pay off for yesterday!"

Ginger babbled continuously

"less talking more working ms.Energetic"

Samuel replies is his deep scary voice

I didn't care much about their conversation but when I heard 'boss we have someone wants to work with us' I cared. I cared a lot. I go into the room where I can hire my new employee. And surprisingly enough, it was him from yesterday... But there's one thing, he brought his sister.

"I would like a job please."

I nod and replied

"what about your sister sir?"

" Oh I forgot. Can she help? she attends to cooking class. I just thought.. maybe she could.. help.."

His voice was shy now. nowhere close to that confidence sturdy voice he had yesterday.

"okay. can you introduce yourself? Oh and your sister of course"

The sister was now the one talking

" Hello! My name is Elizabeth. This is big brother Jason"

Now the brothers face was a bit red. Probably embarrassed. But he replied anyways. And he had that Sturdy confident voice.

"yeah. That's us"

I was starting to smile now. This was such an akward encounter. But I'm lucky I didn't get a bad employee. I smiled and never realized that I was smiling too hard. The brothers red face turned into a questionable one. He then said

"Why are you so happy?"

At that moment I froze. was I too akward? too weird? does he not want to work for me anymore? The only way I can pay him back is to give him and his sister a job? I needed more employees anyways it's Okay.

"No nothing! I just think you're worthy enough for the job! and the small one too"

Jason and Elizabeth were now smiling as both of them mentally take a sigh of relief. In which I said

"you're hired! work starts Tomorrow at eight, don't be late!"

hello! I'm quite new to webnovel so please be nice to me. I don't know much but I'll try! I plan to be an author when I get a bit older and sorry If my chapters take a while. I don't want you to know my name so call me kippey. I think It's an adorable name and I love adorable stuff. anyways I hope tou enjoy my story. Bye!

kippycakeycreators' thoughts