
A Bad Guy

No one is born evil, no one wants to kill other people... It's just the world that forces them. Come and read the story of our Mc, a kind man who turned into an evil and how he made the world, tremble with his name... Note: This is my 2nd work, so there will still be a lot of mistakes, so don't be shy and tell me about your thoughts, also, if you liked the work, then a small donation, please? paypal.me/teamcrowns (a dollar would be enough)

mrCat · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 21: Ready for the selections…

A Bad Guy

Chapter 21: Ready for the selections…

After seeing how far they are, 3 sisters asked Ken Kai to increase the Ki pressure on them, thus under such pressure they started working till the time they are exhausted.

In just a month they had increased so much that they could never improve even in a year.

As for Ken Kai, he also did a lot of agility based training. He and the 3 sisters kept on growing again and again. Same with the wolf souls.

Also, with growth, there hunger increased more and more, each person now needed a whole 2 boar meat in a single day, which led to animal's migration from one are to another.

6 months passed by in blink, ken kai now had 6 more wolves in his soul collections. And the 3 sister could now finally create air pressure from the simple movement of their sword.

Right now they are in a town, as there old swords were fully broke. In the blacksmith shop-

Ken Kai: What is the hardest material you can work on?

Blacksmith: Hardest?... Diamond, the hardest material in this continent is diamond and I can work on it, what do you want to create?

Ken Kai: Sword

Black Smith: Wha- sword?

Ken kai: Yes… Why you can't create?

Black Smith: *In angry tone*Its not like I cant create but can you pay for the amount of work it will need?!!

Ken Kai: yes…

Black Smith: *smirk* a diamond sword… 25 thousand gold coin?

Ken Kai: Nope, 20 thousand at most, and also I don't want just one sword, I want 4 swords

Black Smith: 4?! Are you kidding me?!!!

Ken Kai: No, I am not. 20 thousand gold coin per sword, what do you say?

The Black smith pondered for a few seconds but finally gave in, and said to give him 30 thousand gold coins for guarantee, which Hana paid, and then he told them to come after a month.

After this Ken Kai group left the shop and moved towards the other shop and bought some clothes, this time all of them bough some good looking and expensive clothes, especially Ken Kai, he bought a cloth similar to the Ichigo's cloths in Bankai.

Ken Kai also ordered a skull mask made up of gold which will be half a "cm" thick and white painted in another blacksmiths shop, when 3 sisters asked why, he said, he just wanted it. 3 Sister thought a second and also asked for a mask each.

After this they found for an inn and stayed there till their swords are not ready. Also, they took the time and searched for information regarding selection of disciples.

The sects from immortal realms will be coming next year caused a big uproar and the information regarding it was easily collected; now the biggest question, which sect to choose, as the sect will be visiting specific town, so they have to choose it before the time come.

Susan: I think Immortal Sword sect is great…

Hana: No!!! we should strive for United Immortal Hall, it is the no. 1 sect!

Chika: I think we should go for Divine Fairy Sect, don't you think it will be cool to fly around?

The 3 sisters started quarrelling and then finally asked Big Brother's advice

Ken Kai: Let me be straight, just choose which ever you want…

3 Sisters: NO!!!

Ken Kai: …

3 sisters stated that they wanted to be together like a family and grow together, in which Ken kai got angry and said, "you can't grow if you always be like this!!!", which made the 3 sisters sad.

Ken kai: *in a gentle tone* don't you think when you will walk your own path and become stronger, you will make me proud? Or is it just my own imagination?

3 Sisters: No big brother, we want to make you proud, but being away from you… is…

Ken Kai: *Smiling* Oh my dear…. When will you all grow up… Is this even a reason? We can meet whenever we want when we get holiday's, what is important is to choose our own path and grow…

Ken kai continued: So my dear sisters please, chose your own preferred sects, and when we have time, let's meet up… Will you all listen to me or not?

The 3 sister were sad, but said ok.

After a month, 3 sisters took their swords, they had already taken their masks, and left for city, where selections will took place. The selections will take at start of the year…

Soon all sister were in the place where selection will took place, Chika moved to Divine Fairy sect, but to her surprise the sect turns out to be all female only, when meant that even if all of them chose this sect Ken Kai will not be selected.

Susan chose Immortal Sword Sects, and Ken Kai with Hana chose United Immortal Hall.

At the selection place, there stood people with white robe, and then announced the rules and then begun the trial.

Ken Kai and Hana got "climb the stair" trial, Chika was transported into different place, where she had to "kill beasts" and Susan also got "kill the monsters" trials.