
Chapter 2: it happens everywhere

A Bad Guy

Chapter 2: it happens everywhere

Ken Kai promised his mother that he will protect his mother and because this is not earth, he knew that here being a scholar won't help that much thus he started practicing how to fight, he threw punches in air and sometime strike at trees.

Ken Kai's family was poor thus his mother couldn't afford sending him to school, which made her really sad but our Ken Kai said, "Don't worry mother, I have already learned how to read and write from you, also I not good in studying, so don't bother wasting money on me." This made his mother a lot happy.

It was just another same day for our Ken Kai, but today he was looked around a small school which was in his village.

In his village few low class noble also live and they go to his school. Though our Ken Kai couldn't afford study but it doesn't cost to look around in the school. So our Ken Kai, thought to look around.

??: oooo… What kind of dirty smell is this, where is it coming from?

Ken Kai, heard something behind him. He was scared, but he didn't do anything wrong so he looked towards the source of voice.

The voice belonged to a kid, around same age as him. But he was wearing much better cloths than Ken kai.

??: Ahh… is this the source of this smell, Yuji? So smelly…

Another boy standing with that boy, said that while pointing at Ken Kai.

Ken Kai was confused, he looked at his body and smelled himself…

Ken Kai: Sorry but I am not smelling anything maybe be its your—

Before Ken Kai could say further the boys standing in front of him, started yelling at him.

Yuji (the first boy who spoke): Shut up!!! It's you, filthy piece of trash. Hey Fudo, what is this trash doing here?

Fudo (the boy with him): What can this trash be here for? Trying to dirty our school I guess…

Yuji: hahahha… then we should kick dogs like him away before he dirties our school right?

Fudo: yes…

Ken kai, tried to say that this is all their misunderstanding and he won't do anything, just let him go but before he could say anything, they started throwing stones at him. Thus our Ken Kai started running away from them…

Yuji: hahah… dog-dog go away…. Hahahaaa

Ken Kai could hear their laughter but he didn't mind much as stones were being thrown at him. Finally he had come far away from them.

Ken Kai: Huff-huff, Can't believe bullying is done even here also…

Ken Kai, said that to himself and then walked towards his house…

After this event, a few more days passed by and all the village boys started bullying Kai Ken, when they come to know that stones were thrown at him and he ran away.

This had become a joke around the village between kids and all of them started bullying him, calling him trash, dog or smelly…

Did our Ken Kai mind them? No, after all he is a good boy.

Days passed by, then months and then 3 years, but the bullying never stopped.

Our Ken Kai, kept on practicing how to fight and did all those workouts he knew when he was in earth to make his body strong. Also, Ken kai didn't know how to do cultivation but he did have his own special power that was 'Ki', which he practiced every time he was free.

Ki was also a form of energy and this energy can be released outside his body. The "Ki" energy was same as Ken Kai had read in those martial art webtoon, back on earth.

Ken Kai, was now 10 year old.

One day while practicing, he saw his mother come home early but she was carried by some women's. When Ken Kai asked what happened, they told him that his mother is not feeling well and has very high temperature.

Hearing this, Ken Kai, panicked but he didn't lose his calm mind. He said thank to the women who helped his mother and when they left, Ken Kai, boiled water and soaked clothes in that water, then put it on his mother's head.

He knew that even if he want to do something for his mother, with his size and knowing nothing about world, will only lead to more problem thus this is the only thing he could do.

Whole night, Ken Kai, held his mother's hand and kept on changing clothes on his mothers for-head. Next day came, but his mothers fever didn't go down.

Ken kai ran to local medical places and begged them to look at his mother, as he don't have money, in which they bashed and kicked him out, but still after several tries one person said ok.

He visited his house and checked his mother.

Doctor: Hmm… don't worry, it's just normal fever and will go down in a few days, though you can use medicine but… you don't have money so I am sorry I can't give you for free, still don't worry your mother will be ok very soon.

Hearing this, Ken kai got happy and thanked the doctor again and again. He was happy to know that it was only a normal fever which will go down in just a few days.

Again time passed by a few days, but still his mothers fever didn't go down. Ken kai believed in the doctors word and held his mother's hand tightly.

Next mooring a knock was on the door.

Next chapter