
A Baby from My Beloved Agent

This book contains mature content. Please be aware if you are a minor. Amanda Sanchess, a secret agent working for a secret organization. She is a professional agent who used to handle many missions. She has a male partner who is an expert in hacking, William Hudson. The two have been partners for many years. They were even nicknamed Double Eyes. Although they look good together, there are no feelings involved. Those feelings were only felt by Amanda. She loved William, but not William who was focused on his work alone. One day, Amanda decided to leave the organization and disappear from William's life for a reason. To live a new life with a baby coming into her arms.

Raivin_Holmes · Urban
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379 Chs

Who Do You Really Love?

Damian came out of the bathroom after calming down and washing his face. He then saw Morana sitting on his bed. 'What is she doing on my bed?'

He walked over to his future wife and saw that she was holding his cell phone. Of course, Damian was surprised to see that it contained many pictures of him with Kylie.

"Morana, why are you holding my phone? Isn't it too much for you to look at my phone? It's my privacy," he said trying to remain calm.

"Sorry... But can I ask you a question? Who is this woman on your phone's wallpaper?" asked Morana while showing a picture of Damian and Kylie.

"That's... She's my friend. She's just my friend, Morana." He took his phone from the ginger-haired woman's hand. "You don't have to think about it, just relax."

However, Damian's answer was not satisfactory for Morana. She knew that the woman was definitely not just a friend, no friend would take such a romantic picture.