
An electric shock on her fingers

LAN qianzhen wanted to close her eyes and pretend to faint.

It wasn't that she didn't want Bai qingmei to appear on campus, but her car and her people were enough to cause a huge commotion. Her looks, her aura, and her car were all signs of how extraordinary and Noble she was.

Even though her school was a second-rate school, there were still many beautiful girls in the school due to the presence of the Performing Arts majors. Perhaps LAN qianzhen didn't want Bai qingmei to be seen by others.

Just as LAN qianzhen was about to play dead, she heard Bai qingmei's clear voice."Do you want to go to the dormitory or the teaching building first?"

Bai qingmei's voice was simply too pleasant to the ears, and LAN qianzhen felt as if a stream of water was flowing through her heart. She obediently replied,"The dormitory building."

Bai qingmei then drove the car to the dormitory.

LAN qianzhen took her bag and got out of the car.

Bai qingmei also got out of the car.

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