
Parting the clouds and mist

This photo had been taken by one of Shangguan Shaoheng's subordinates.

It was taken when Shui Xuan 'er was outside the old house. It was her back view and the scene at the old house's Gate.

When he saw the photo, Shangguan Shaoheng's head buzzed, and for some reason, his head began to hurt as well.

After a while, Shangguan Shaoheng's forehead was covered in cold sweat because of his headache.

Fine beads of sweat continued to appear, soaking Shangguan Shaoheng's back.

He felt that something was about to come out, and he felt that he was about to remember something.

Many images flashed through his mind. Very quickly, he was about to remember something, but his head hurt and he couldn't remember anything.

Shangguan Shaoheng looked at the photo on his phone as if he was possessed. Later, because of his headache, his hands were trembling.

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