
Protect with your life

Nan jiateng had been shot and was about to faint, but he looked at Cha Qingluo and his heart clenched.

Actually, at this moment, he had a surreal feeling. Why was this girl here?

However, the image of this girl desperately killing her enemies was still fresh in his mind.

His heart was in his throat as he gave the order to protect her. No matter how she came, he had to protect her.

He was touched when he saw Mr. Cha.

Uncle tea had been injured before, and he had just recovered.

When he saw them, the impact on his heart was huge.

He was originally a person with a cold heart, but at this moment, he was warmed. At this moment, he was really touched.

He didn't expect Cha Qing Luo to be so strong.

The last time he saved Cha Qing Luo, she wasn't like this.

Nan jiateng and Cha Qing Luo actually didn't know that people could actually display great potential under certain circumstances.

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