
Chapter 108 Purple City

Hearing Xie lingye's words, Hua jingxun felt as if she had just taken a calming pill.

She had gone to the purple City. In the purple Division college, all she needed to do was cultivate.

After a good night's sleep, they set off the next morning after having breakfast.

Early in the morning, there were commoners who set up stalls, bought things, and went to work ...

They watched as Hua jingxun and the noble man drove away from the city.

There were a few cars behind them, low-key but luxurious.

"Don't tell me ... They moved?"

"That's right, the gate of the house is closed. Have they really left the city?"

"Actually, it's good to leave this place. It hasn't been peaceful recently. All the big families are fighting with each other. The shop I went to before was smashed ..."

"It's so chaotic. I don't even know if the Duanmu family will still exist in the future!"


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