
The season of falling snow (14)

Xiajun Zihao picked up the key and the windbreaker beside him, then strode out of the door.

His veins were throbbing.

It had been a long time since xiajun Zihao had driven his own car. This time, he didn't have time to call anyone.

He only had one thought, and that was to quickly drag that girl out of there.

What kind of place was that? that girl actually dared to go in.

He knew that it was chaotic there. However, as a country, he would allow some things to exist if they were harmless. For the time being, he did not have the energy to care about such small things.

If he had known earlier, he would have closed down these places earlier.

Xiajun Zihao drove a high-class military car and sped all the way to a place where beauties were fragrant.

No one dared to stop such a car along the way. He could even run a red light.

When the traffic police saw this, they also saluted.

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