
Love, one more anticipation

Gu Yiyi thought that perhaps there were some changes. She only knew that she was very happy when she was with Bai zixun every day.

He was especially nice and attentive, taking care of all her emotions. These few days they were together, every day felt so short, and she wanted to stick to him all day.

However, old Mrs. Han had told her before that a woman should have her own career and social circle. Only then would she have a broad vision and an open heart.

So, no matter how much she loved Bai zixun and missed him, she would still go to the cake shop to work every day.

However, Bai zixun respected her a lot. He would send her off in the morning, have lunch with her in the afternoon, have dinner with her in the evening, and pick her up after work every day.

In the eyes of others, the two of them did not look like a young couple in love, but more like a newly married couple, plain but warm.

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