
So stupid

Ever since old master zuoqiu's death, the zuoqiu family and the zuoqiu gang had been on the decline. This was something that zuoqiu Zimei could not control.

Although she had been influenced by her grandfather since she was young and had learned how to scheme and be ruthless, she was still lacking in experience.

In front of the Black Dragon Gang, they were not a threat.

Back then, the zuoqiu family had spent a long time to get through the black Dragon Gang and set up their chess pieces.

However, the Black Dragon Gang had a powerful young master in this generation who had caught almost all of the zuoqiu family's pawns in one fell swoop, which was equivalent to breaking the zuoqiu family's arm.

"Miss zuoqiu, now is not the time to be angry. We still need to think about it."

Zuoqiu Zimei snapped out of her daze upon hearing that. She gritted her teeth and tried her best to calm herself down.

He had to think of a way to avoid the Black Dragon Gang's search.

Next chapter