
Wife's Instructions

Xie Limo's light, cherry-colored lips curled into a gentle smile. He said simply, "Dear."

Yun Bixue stared at Shen Zhengyao through the glass window. Her gaze grew cold as she said softly, "Limo, are you busy now?" She knew that she had acted too hastily immediately after she dialed his number. She was worried that Xie Limo was busy.

Xie Limo smiled elegantly and gave a gentle reply, "There's not much to be busy about. What's wrong?" His voice was filled with concern.

Hearing Xie Limo's soft reply, Yun Bixue's cold gaze became warm and gentle. She tenderly replied, "Nothing much. I'm having tea near the Shen family's place right now. Shen Zhengyao has been standing outside the gates for quite some time. I suspect that he's about to go looking for your help."

Xie Limo's beautiful eyes glittered with an enchanting light. He smiled and asked, "Are you worried that I'll lend him a helping hand?"

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