Wang Yu commented, "Pardon me for my straightforwardness but these people have all practiced martial arts since they were young. With only so little time left, even if I were to teach you personally, you all still wouldn't be their match. Plucking the power cable out of their gaming cabin is an even more practical solution than this."
"That makes sense…"
Everyone suddenly came to a realisation and said simultaneously, "Plucking the power source is a good idea."
When the staff members, who have been standing by the side all these while, heard their words, they all panicked in their heart. Following which, they stared at the bunch from Quan Zhen Sect and asked, "What did you guys say?"
When the people from Quan Zhen Sect realised that there were people listening on them, they hurriedly passed it off as a joke and said, "It's just a joke."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: