Making use of the smoke, Wang Yu was constantly on the move around the City Lord. Even though the City Lord had heaven-defying attributes, there was nothing he could do to Wang Yu. Like a fish on a chopping board, Wang Yu could do anything and everything he wanted to him.
Nobody knew what kind of drug Wang Yu was on today as he seemed determined to beat the soul out of the City Lord. Every single move was aimed directly at the City Lord's third leg and he never missed a single strike.
The City Lord cried out devastatingly continuously.
Every time the players outside the mansion heard the devastating cry, the fear in their heart increased by yet another level.
When the City Lord's health bar finally depleted to less than fifty percent, he realised that there was no way he could win this battle. If he continued to fight in this manner, Wang Yu could even destroy his kidney if he wanted to.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: