"So, your intention is to insist that the equipment are now yours. Is that it?" Seeing Fearless stubborn demeanour, Martial Yin Yang's face darkened by several shades.
Fearless smiled, "As long as the price is right, you can take your pick at any equipment here. We are quite reasonable actually, as long as you show the money, anything is yours."
"Hey, don't you feel even a little shred of embarrassment?" Martial Yin Yang was truly angered this time.
The meaning of Fearless' words was already clear enough, if Martial Yin Yang did not fork out the price, the equipment would be sold to other buyers… Given the current small supply of Obsidian Equipment, there was no shortage of buyers. Furthermore, the buyers would not even bother whose equipment it previously belonged to.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: