The players from Berserk Heavenlaw might be useless but they weren't immovable soil. After hearing Fearless' command to spread out, they subconsciously understood Fearless' plan. Seeing Fearless jumped to the side, everyone else followed suit.
The players' current position was near the edge of the cliff. Due to the limited IQ of the Holy Rulers and the impaired vision due to the pink fog, they charged in formation towards the direction of Fearless' previous position.
In the very next moment, the Holy Rulers charged to the edge of the cliff.
As elite NPCs, the Holy Rulers charged across over ten metres and to the players' surprise, they jumped off the cliff uniformly.
"Boom!!" Seconds later, a thunderous sound followed. This single thunderous sound proved that under the effect of gravity, even those of different weights would land on the ground at the same time.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: