When Wang Yu and Nian Liuyun were fighting, the people by the side were all live-streaming the fight. While other main cities might not know about it, Thunderstorm City and Twilight City were bound to get news of it first.
After all, the majority of Wang Yu's die-hard fans were from Twilight City. In order to provoke them, Nian Liuyun's fans immediately put the live-stream channel on a few main cities, notably Twlight City.
Not long after the live-stream was put up, it became the topic of many conversations for the gamers in Twilight City. Naturally, news was not getting away from the ears of the Quan Zhen Sect.
"Aiya… All those busybodies even sent it to forums?" Wang Yu couldn't help but comment.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: