When it seemed as though there was no way that Wang Yu could avoid being swallowed, the Poison Arrow Frog Emperor's tongue shot out again. Wang Yu immediately reacted; his weapon changed into a pole and he held it in front of himself vertically. The Poison Arrow Frog Emperor's tongue struck onto the pole and wrapped around it.
Wang Yu's pole was a little more than 2 meters long and the Poison Arrow Frog Emperor's mouth was only 2 meters wide at its biggest… As the Poison Arrow Frog Emperor's tongue retracted with the pole and Wang Yu, the pole was stuck at the Poison Arrow Frog Emperor's mouth.
Using this opportunity, Wang Yu hurriedly changed his weapon from the pole weapon to his fist weapon. At the same time, he stepped down on the Poison Arrow Frog Emperor's lower jaw and sprang backwards, easily jumping away from the Frog Emperor's mouth.
By the time the Poison Arrow Frog Emperor reacted, Wang Yu was already right below its head.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: