When Wang Yu had first entered the main area in the Burial Site, he had received a notification about 'summoning the altar'. This made him extremely wary about the changes in the altar throughout his fight with the Skeletal Demon's.
Once the Archers and Warriors had been killed, Wang Yu quickly turned his attention towards the Skeletal Demon Knight's flopping on the floor.
Once they had turned into a puff of black smoke and entered the altar, the altar shone with a brilliant light. The symbols on the altar gradually faded as a shriek from the depths of hell filled the Burial Site. A eerie green light suddenly floated out of the altar.
<Vengeful Spirit (LV5)>
HP: 1000
MP: 1000
Skills: [Spiritual Decay]
Just as Wang Yu was about to slap the Vengeful Spirit to death, a rumbling sound emerged from the altar. The altar gradually fell apart, revealing a large set of bones beneath it.
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