
Concealment and Level Up

Editor: Atlas Studios

Zhao Yao looked at the panel on the Book. After the escape mission and the previous month's experience points, his Book showed Level 8 (181507/100000).

With the 180 thousand experience points, Zhao Yao was able to upgrade a supercat to Level 10 and add the cat to the evolution module.

He also obtained 67 lottery chances.

Zhao Yao decided not use them as there was a week before the end of the month. He wanted to accumulate more experience points and lottery chances before using them.

He needed a few days to plan his next move. As he was discovered by the alien, he had to be extremely careful when he accumulated the energy for the evolution.

"In the worst scenario, the alien cat could put the players' data under surveillance to detect anomalies," Zhao Yao postulated. "The players with high profile and popularity would be investigated by the alien cat personally using his power of awareness."

"I have to use Plan B."

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