
9 X 1 : 9 times my life began.

Deep in the cold misty depths of the world. Lives five different realms to five different clans. The Celestial Sea realm, floral, demonic, Fairies, and the deep sea forest. Lives a young gifted nine tailed white spirit fox named Hailin Feng. Her destined is about to be revealed and all those she meets, she will have a everlasting fate over their destines.

"Hailin! Hailin! Get up right now!" Shouting for the white fox was her trusted attendant "Shou man. Shou man. Walking in his mermaid ears picking up the slights sounds of the furry white fox breathing. He noticed, she was still asleep in her cave. "Hailin!" Shouting he sent a mermaids mist to awaken the fox up. Feeling the heat, Hailin got up and was ready to fight the unwanted intruder. When she saw it was none other than Shou man. "Shou Man! You! Ugh, couldn't you allow me to sleep a little bit longer?"