
Minor Changes to The Character Appearance

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wu Shun foolishly attempted to aid the swordswoman in her fight. He only ended up getting in the way.

She only got wounded attempting to save him. The game abruptly cut into a CG cutscene. It demonstrated the swordswoman's valiant attempts at saving him without any regard for her own wound.

Realization quickly dawned upon Wu Shun. This swordswoman in grey was not some random, generic NPC – she was a relatively important plot character. You don't dedicate entire CG scenes to common NPCs.

Experienced players could instantly tell. The more CG animations a character is given, the more important the character had to be!

The grey swordswoman had pushed Wu Shun's character down, shielding him, only to suffer a relatively ferocious wound to her back…

The cutscene had been played from first-person view. He helped the female swordsman up. That was when he caught a glimpse of her face beneath the hood…

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